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Nadhea (Present Day)

Ahh. It feels good to be home. Nothing beats the feeling of being in your country, the birthplace, the usual cultures and ethnics, the warm fuzzy feeling of familiar weather, the breezy wind that blows through my body giving me goosebumps. Breathing in the ordinary air that I've missed during my absence.

I walk to the place where everyone's luggages are at while taking my biscuit coloured trench coat off, holding it by the arm. Upon reaching the luggages station, I quickly grab an empty trolley at the side and pull it out freely from the other unoccupied queuing trolleys thus pacing to the baggage claim belt.

So many luggages that are aligned neatly in a linear form on the machine belt, moving steadily, waiting for the owners to grab them. All in different colours, shapes, materials and sizes to avoid misplacement or unwanted exchange of them bags. Of course with labels of names and contact numbers pasted on the bags or tying it up with coloured ribbons to prevent passengers from accidentally leaving the airport with another passenger's bag that bears resemblance to their own. Mine's the polka dots of red and pink luggage bag with a neon orange coloured ribbon tied on the handle.

After a while waiting for my bag to appear, without wasting anymore time, I hastily grab it and put it on the ground. It is kind of heavy, I wonder what did I even store inside, for all I know it's just clothes and some gifts and chocolates. As I am about to carry it again, suddenly, I see a hand grabbing it and place it on my trolley. I look up to see a white man standing before me. Whoa, probably today is my lucky day, a hot guy just helped me out. Woots~

"Hey, thank you so much for your help. My bag sure is a load heh" I say, thanking him.

"Oh it's just a small matter, wasn't that heavy though." He says, smiling at me.

Wowzer, he is a one fineee British. Oh did I mention that he is incredibly good looking too? with his blonde slicked back hair and sky blue eyes.

"Of course, with arms like that you could carry almost anything haha anyways, thanks again Mister.."

"You can call me Dominic. Dominic Watts" offering his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Dominic. I'm Nadhea Ismed" I introduce myself and take his hand for a shake.

"So you're here traveling or..?" He asks.

"Oh! No, No. I live here, just got back from the States for holidays. What about you?" We are walking out from the arrival hall together heading towards the lobby.

"Well, I got a new job here and I'm starting this Monday. Hey Nadhea, since I'm new in town, do you mind showing me around sometime when you're free?"

"Gladly. You're gonna love living here in Malaysia. Wait till you taste the mouthwatering foods!"

So I made a new acquaintance today and it's always interesting to meet someone new. Since my dad's a little late and Dominic is waiting for the car rental person to call, we have decided to hang out for a coffee to kill the time. I learn a lot more about him.

He's an engineer, working at Petronas, an oil and gas company, a 30 years old guy from The Great Britain, smart, funny and can be goofy at times. Surprisingly tall, a 6 footer, loves soccer so much and a guy who hates cheesecakes and One Direction but adores Ariana Grande? Lol. Andddddd, has a fiancée back at home. Bollocks.

While we are busy talking to get to know each other, I receive a text message from dad saying that he's at the entrance. I apologise and excuse myself which leaves us exchanging our emails and Facebook accounts. Saying our goodbyes, I walk out of the airport at a constant speed and enter my dad's car together with my luggage bag.

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