Chapter one- intro

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Boss- chapter one- intro

Himchan, what were you thinking? Dropping out of college? Great idea, genius. Look what you're stuck doing now, picking up assorted toys off the ground, while keeping an eye on the little boy as you run bath water for him.

I sigh to myself, staring at junhong. I know if I take my eyes off him for even a second he'll bolt out of the room to avoid bath time. It's Like this every night. I don't think he even hates baths. I think he just likes to run around the house screaming while I chase him.

I know what you're wondering. Why am I complaining so much about this kid? Well, Junhong for starters, isn't even mine. He's my bosses son.
Yes, I know, as lame as it is, it's true.

I'm a twenty four year old male babysitter for two little kids. Fun, right?
Oh yeah, did I mention there's another kid? His name is Jongup. He's seven years old and not as bad as Junhong who's only four.
Jongups and good kid. Usually quiet, always smiley, but he's not the brightest. I can't tell you how many times this kid has wandered off and cried when he couldn't find me at the store.
Junhong is at the peak of the terrible ages for kids. He can be really sweet at times, but when he doesn't get his way, he can scream so loud I'm surprised this kid still has functioning vocal cords. And did I mention he's fast? I was on the cross country team and I can't even catch this kid. He also insists that I call him Zelo. What does that even mean?

But yeah, I got stuck doing this because I wasn't cut out for college. It was too much, and just stressed me out to the max. I couldn't take it. I don't want to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or accountant or whatever. I honestly want to become a singer, but my parents forced me to go to college. I did for about three years, with absolutely no clue of what I was doing, and ending up failing. Like. Every subject.

Except for language arts with Mr. Bang Yongguk. I passed that with flying colors, and was one of his star students. He was one of those "kid geniuses" who graduated school at like 15, and became a college professor at age 20. So, with him being my age, I seemed to get the class better. I could never pay attention in any of my classes. Everything the teachers said was just go through one ear and out the other, and I would end up remembering absolutely nothing.
But mr. Bangs class was different. I listened intently to everything he said, and it all made sense. Everything he said was so... Deep and meaningful to him. He could turn a sentence about what color the curtains were, into a metaphor about world peace. That intrigued me, and I couldn't keep my eyes off him. Literally.

When I finally couldn't take it anymore, and dropped out, mr bang was devastated. He gave me the whole "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed" talk, but insisted that we keep in touch.

A while after dropping out, my parents basically disowned me, and I was living in a small apartment, barely able to afford ramen noodles. So I reached out to Yongguk, in hope that he could help me. To my surprise he invited me to live at his place-which I now know is more like a mansion-and the only catch was that I had to watch and take care of his kids.

That alone got me confused. He had pictures of two young kids in his class, but I always thought they were here s nephews or something, considering his young age. But no, he and his high school sweetheart had their first kid Jongup at seventeen. Then Junhong at twenty. I never would have expected Yongguk to be.. Well... Like that. I imagine college at seventeen must have been hard with a kid, but clearly he managed. I don't know how he did it, but I respect him for it.

I always wondered about his girlfriend. Apparently they never got married, something happened shortly after Junhong was born, and Yongguk got full custody of both the kids. I've never asked details, I assumed its a sensitive subject.

Well, anyway, I'm a full time nanny living at yongguks house while he works long hours. It's tiring honestly, and I feel like a mother to these kids, but hey, I'm getting by.

Oh! There's one thing i forgot to add about my job!
Yongguk, my boss.
Is really

(( hey guys! I know I really suck at updating stories.... But I really hope you will like and support the story! Pleas and thank you! Also leave your opinion and like... Also, comment which of my stories you would like me to update first ok! Please support amd read this story I really hope you'll like it.. C: ))

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