Secret Lesbian

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Joanna is in love with Stephanie, one of her student's, Stacy, mother. One problem, Joanna is taken by a man called Jessie. Joanna is Jessie's girl, but she really just wants to be Stephanie's. What can she do?
December 8th,
It's time for my monthly parent-teacher conferences, I can't say I was looking forward to this dreadful day, when Stacy's mom would sit there, just being pretty. Stacy was a wondeful girl, but I was really into her mother. That's not something a married woman like me should ever say, so I keep it to myself, that way my husband will never find out. It was 5:00 pm, her third conference, Stephanie. I have my papers, it was inevitable at this point for me to trip over my words but I still needed to do this.
"Good evening, Mrs. Johnson!"
"Good evening to you too, Ms. Smith."
I had to look down, I wouldn't be able to speak if I looked into her eyes.
"So, everything looking good for my Stacy?"
"Oh um yes, Ms. Smith, Stacy is a wondeful child, very gifted."
"Good, good. Anything we need to discuss?"
"Well, Stacy does seem to be struggling with her math, multiplying and such."
"I am familiar with math, Mrs. Johnson." she laughed infectiously.
"Ah, well Stacy needs a bit of help, and since you know your math, I'm going to leave you with some resources so you can help Ms. Stacy."
"Of course, is that all?"
"Yes, I think so."
Shortest conference, in and out, ends right here, righ-
"Are you okay, Mrs. Johnson? You seem anxious."
"Ah, I'm fine, it's just, some of these parents aren't as lucky as you are with their children."
Stephanie laughed again, "Alright, well thank you Mrs. Johnson, I'll work with Stacy."
We waved at each other as she left my classroom. Whew, in and out.

Jessie's Girl x Stacy's MomWhere stories live. Discover now