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I am not writing this for votes, or comments or anything. I am writing this because I NEED to write it. Because I HAVE to write. Becuase it MUST be written. Because it must be  READ. And because those heartless morons that did this don't deserve to live in this world.

Over 100 kids woke up yesterday like they do everyday. With the same excitement to learn something new. With the same enthusiasm to study hard. With the same determination to make a name for themselves one day. Their parents sent them feeling proud of their children for being able to do what they probably couldn't when they were younger. Thinking that one day there little gems would make them proud. The kids sit in their classes with their innocent smiles waiting to go home to their parents and tell them about their day until they realize they wont be going home today. They realize they wont be learning anything new anymore. Today was the last day they lived and their parents open the door with the excitement of seeing their child after a long day but instead they get the news that they will never ever see them again. Can you even imagine how that might have felt? I just wonder what these little innocent children ever did. Why they were punished for the pathetic never ending rivalry between these people's fight for power and there so called promises to bring a 'change'. Well here it is. While they travel in bullet proof cars and millions of gunmen and all the protocol in the world, over 100 little children resting in the heavens above. Ya Allah may their souls rest in piece. And may He guide the leaders before anymore bloodshed. Pray for Peshawar. May Allah give their families the strength and patience to deal with this loss.

Our future no longer lies in the hands of this sucky government but Allah who can make a difference now.
So please, everyone, instead of changing your profile picture, pray for a better future of Pakistan and those innocent children.
May they rest in peace.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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