I Love you just the way you are

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So here it is the sequel to my first lalin's curse story so here you go also btw I don't own anything I just own this story hope you like also. I'm using David's mom and dad's name

David POV:

It has been three weeks scince I was sick and ever since everyone has been keeping an eye on me my mom, Dad, my sisters even my friends but out of all of them Felix has been an eye on me the most but everytime I think about Felix I can't help but blush. I don't know why.

Victoria: David sweetie please eat you don't want to be late for school now do you

David: oh sorry mom it's just that I've been feeling different after getting over being sick

Mateo: Are you still sick I mean does get me wrong it's normal to feel like this after feeling better

David: No dad it's not like that it's like my heart is pumping fast in my chest whenever I think about a certain someone.

Sofía: ohh I know what's wrong with big brother

Nina: oh? You do well than little sis what's wrong with him?

Sofía: He's Love sick!

David: *Blush* wha?

Sofía: you know when you feel a certain way around someone like mommy and daddy

Victoria: hahaha now Sofía as funny as that sounds I highly doubt that your brother is in love with anyone

Mateo: your mother's right If David was in love then he would go to his old man for advise

Nina: Dad you can't keep up with the trends that us kids are doing now a days.

David: (Hmm maybe Sofía is right I think I am love sick but with FELIX?!)


At the front of the school gates David's friends (even his future boyfriend) standing there waiting for him until one person In the group spoke up about David.

Eric: Hey has anyone seen David he's still not here

Felix: You still don't think he's sick do you

Noemi: Well I guess we'll just be in class without him

Cody: b-but guys what if he's not sick

Felix: Guys what if he's been kidnapped for is dead or worse!? (I can't stop thinking about david something is wrong with me I told my parents and they told me that I was in love with someone. I tried to brush them off but now I'm starting to think that they are right.)

Tobias: Maybe we should still wait-

David: I'm here wait up!

Eric: David good to see you guys back in shape and better than ever

David: hehe thanks Eric

Felix: David! Thank God we were worried about you

María: well Felix and Cody mostly


David: *Blush* you were worried abou me?

Felix: *Blush* N-No I don't know what your talking about.... mmh fine I was.

Selena: See that wasn't so hard

María: aww young love

Felix & David: We're not in love!

Eric: Well not yet

Felix: Shut the Fuck up Eric!

David: David.Exe is broken

22 Hours Later

Tomás: Man I'm pooped Math was so hard

Eric: I know what you mean man. Anyway David are we going in our conspiracy theory room?

David: hmmm?

Felix:( Alright felix it's your time to ask him if you don't you'll never see this opportunity again)

David: well-

Felix: *Blush* actually David can we hang out and take a break.

David: Sure I don't mind

María: Oh can I come- wait! Nevermind~

David: uhh okay then? felix where were you thinking of going to hangout?

Felix: I was thinking near the Sakura Tree (Reference)

David: ohh you mean that nice pink tree that sounds nice let's go.

After the two boys left to go "hangout" everyone else new that it was a date it's so obvious that it's painful to watch

Outside was nice, Calm and collected underneath the sakura tree was it's pink pedals flying everyone it was so pretty David has never seen anything this pretty before but as him and davud went underneath the tree David started to blush really hard along with Felix his long time best friend.

David: So uhh Felix what are we here for

Felix: David have you heard about the story of this tree?

David: Nope what is it?

Felix: It is said that many people confess something under this tree

David: Oh! So what is it that you want to confess to me about?

Felix: D-David *Blush* I-I-I

David: what?

Felix: I LOVE YOU!

David: F-Felix?

Felix: I know that you might not love me back but- mmmmh!

But before Felix could say anything else David ran to his face and was kissing him tears falling down his eyes with sakura blossoms surrounding them

David: Felix I love you to

Felix: Really?

David: yes of course we've been friends for a while now and ever since being sick I couldn't stop thinking about you.


David: felix that doesn't matter to me anymore that's all in the past I love you just the way you are no matter what

Felix: D-David?

David: Felix what I live about you is your personality and your compassion and the way you are. So felix promise me that we will always be together.

Felix: Of course.

David: Now that's the Felix I know or should I say my Boyfriend~

Felix: ahaha alright sweetheart let's go out and get some smoothies.

David: Yeah My treat!

While they were walking away they never even noticed their friends watching them

Cody: aww that's so cute love

María: My ship has sailed~

Eric: welp we knew It was gonna happen eventually

María: So if they were to get married who would be the husband and Wife?

Cody: María let's not go that far yet

Eric: Well we should get going we need to finish our homework.


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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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