Chapter Sixty

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"Wolfspirit, Dovefeather, Chivewhisker, and Mistfur, I need all of you to wait on top of the fox den. You four will be the ones jumping unto the foxes to stifle them." Blazestripe instructed to the TideClan warriors, the orange tabby tom standing beside a senior BoulderClan warrior, Hornet-tail. Wolfspirit narrowed his eyes and turned his head back to the fox den, his whiskers twitching. This large patrol of TideClan and BoulderClan warriors were assembled many fox lengths away from the fox den. Two foxes have made their den in a den of stone and it was a threat to both clans. So the clans banded together to drive this fox out towards the north. 

The plan was that a couple of BoulderClan warriors would lure the foxes out. Then, Wolfspirit's group would leap unto the foxes, enough to hurt them and give time for two other groups of warriors that flanked the foxes to attack. Hopefully, by attacking the foxes enough, the foxes would flee to the north. The fastest warriors were positioned carefully to make sure that the foxes ran north, not any other direction. The three groups that attacked the fox would make sure that the fox fled, not attacked. 

I'm surprised they didn't allow Swiftblossom unto this mission, Wolfspirit thought in astonishment, watching as the division of cats take off north; they were the ones that made sure the foxes kept north. She would be a great cat to force the foxes north. Or, she'll be a great ambusher. The tom then shook his head, flattening his ears against his head. Agh! Why am I thinking about her now? I should be focused on my mission. But his heart thought otherwise. 

The tom held in a sigh, blinking slowly as he thought fondly of his beautiful mate. He felt guilty for last night and he wanted to apologize but he was still lost for words. He glanced up towards his right, catching a glimpse of Blackpaw, or Blackivy. My situation isn't too good and it doesn't help that Blackivy is part of the flanking ambushers. He held back a short growl and listened to Hornet-tail's orders to his warriors. 

Was it coincidental that Wolfspirit had problems with his mate and also had a patrol with a she-cat who was obsessed with him? Clearly not, he thought sarcastically. His heart and mind weren't in the right place, and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he wanted Swiftblossom to be with him. 

"Warriors, move out," Blazestripe ordered, and all of the cats scattered to their positions. Mistfur, Dovefeather, Chivewhisker, and Wolfspirit began to run towards the fox den, each TideClan warrior flattening their fur against themselves. Then, when they got close, they crouched very low and stepped carefully. 

The large groups had met in the forest, where there were fewer boulders and rocks. But the fox den was located at the bottom of a stony hill, with a large, pointier rock protruding from on top, leaning north; it was a perfect ledge. This created a shadow and a cover for the fox den, as the base of this hill was stone. Around this den, only grass, weeds, and a few shrubs grew, making the three ambushing patrols a bit harder to hide. But once Wolfspirit's group reached the top, they would be better hidden.

The crouching TideClan warriors crept towards the left, venturing in a wide circle to the side of the fox den. They passed by one of the other ambushings groups, with both TideClan and BoulderClan warriors, hiding in the lining of trees. Wolfspirit led his group of ambushers into this wide circle, keeping an eye on the fox den at all times. Then, once his group was directly behind the significant protruding stone, his tail flickered, telling his warriors to emerge forward. One by one, each warrior cautiously climbed this stone, their claws quietly scratching into the stone. Wolfspirit would be the first to climb up, pivoting himself on the very top. This stone had enough room for all four warriors to sit at the very top, ready to jump below. Once their ears were visible to the BoulderClan distraction team to see, the mission went into action.

Three BoulderClan warriors nonchalantly stepped out, making themselves as visible and loud as possible. Among these warriors was Poppyfoot, who Wolfspirit watched anxiously. Poppyfoot stepped closer and closer to the den until she was only a fox length away. The two other warriors followed. Wolfspirit's spine was touched by chills once he heard the wicked cries of the foxes.

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