Chapter 1: Roblox HQ

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Roblox was talking to Builderman about Dark Matter telling him that they need new heroes at the front. Builderman wasn't happy about it cause he didn't know a single person who could stop him. "I don't think there's anyone in Robloxia that could stop this new Dark Matter" Builderman says. Roblox didn't know what to when to do it but he knew that they were coming.

After Roblox declared a Robloxia Case Emergency that means that everyone must go home and seek shelter for a villain attack. This was rarely used.

The High School of Robloxia, Coldwell High School was not sent home instead they we're sent into the basement of the school. "What are we gonna do," Mark said while sitting with his three best friends.  "Well how are we gonna do something when Roblox declared a Robloxia Case Emergency.  So we need to listen out for what is happening." Rex says.

Timothy turned on the TV and it showed Roblox on the balcony of the HQ and with a megaphone. 

"Hello Robloxians. This is Roblox speaking alongside with Builderman. As if you know we have Declared a Robloxia Case Emergency. That means you must seek shelter ASAP and turn on the news for info during the radio call we have now gotten a new Villian on to Robloxia and we don't have any superheroes as they were transported back to Roblox High School. And are not heroes anymore. We say that you must stay indoors during this message. The Bloxy's this year will be closed down since the attack will last for long. This Villian Dark Matter, has come to interrupt and own Robloxia. as the Owner of this town we cannot allow that please stay indoors as this could last longer than a week. Please students in the school I want you to call your parents every day so they know that you are safe and everyone else. If you are a parent and your family is home PLEASE get home NOW. This is not a drill not one bit. you need to comply with this or you will be the victim of the attack. This attack will be hitting tomorrow so please do not call us as we will be seeking shelter aswell. If you have the effects of the attack please get inside Dark Matter is gonna come so please stay inside. Thank you Robloxians and be safe"

The TV cut off to the news and Rex turned off the TV. 

Everyone was in panic mode

Everyone was running screaming and pleading to go home but that didn't stop the four friends. 

"Hey do you think we should be the Heroes of Robloxia?" Mark asked. 

"Well if you want us to die then hm" Rex said. Mark didn't mean that "Look we can be famous we have the chance to be noticed cause you know what everyone does they don't look at us."

"Okay true I guess I'll go" Rex said. They then planned a secret sneak out and it turned out successfully no one knew they escaped. Once they got out they ran as fast as they can into the Roblox HQ then after a few big knocks. Roblox finally open the door. "What are you kids doing here" Roblox asked. "WE WANT TO BE HEROES" they shouted.

Roblox was happy but also scared for them they were only 18 and he needs the toughest. 


Builderman then came out and was shook when he saw them pleading to be heroes.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. Just come in" Roblox says. They enter the Roblox HQ and started running to the hero part of the HQ. When they saw the morphers they took them and already tried to  morph but Roblox stopped them right there "Before you morph you need to know this" 

Roblox said. "Well what is it then."

"Your...............The Heroes of Robloxia"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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