Chapter 1

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I woke up to something licking my foot at first I kicked something in the face & said "Go jump in the river & swallow a snake cause I'm trying to catch some zzzz's right now."

Then they stopped, I sighed & attempted to go back to sleep when about five seconds later the culprit continued. Clearly they weren't going to stop anytime soon so l got out of bed & attempted to stare straight into the eyes of the person depriving me from sleeping in late. I couldn't get a good look at them because they were to chicken to come out.

"Oh come on, if your going to deprive me from sleeping in at least let me see who you are I have enough problems already."

Then something as white as snow jumped on top of me pushing me down to the floor & started licking my face. I knew exactly who it was. it's my dog but I should call her a wolf cause that's what she is. her names Silvermist but I call her Sil for short I found her all alone in the woods & she wouldn't have lasted a day alone so I brought her home. People have no idea what I had to go through to convince the cops to let me keep her. That was a dark day but it was also the happiest day of my life. but this is today & I'm mad at her "Sil! What the was that for? Cause there's no school today. Wait what is today?" I looked over at my calendar and groaned, it's graduation & I'm late.

Ugh I hate graduation all the parents praising their children as they start a new chapter of their life, but that's not the worst part about it. watching my fellow peers is. Out of all the plcaes they chose the auditorium so everyone was squashed, it could only hold about two hundred people & we pased that a long time ago. The worst part about this is the entire time I have been here they have all been dushbags to me but no matter it will all be over soon enough.

The ceremony took forever. They talked about us starting a new chapter in our lives after a long, important journey of a thousand miles that began with our first step. Oh great now I'm starting to sound like them, thank goodness it's over.

I followed everyone out of the auditorium. Then I stood face with the biggest bully in school.

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