Tapping On Wood

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The sound of the gaming music echoed in the room, his hands already aching. When the final attack hit, he fell back. Hearing a knock on the door, he lazily pulled his arm up, "Come in!"

The door clicked open and he saw his sister, who was giving him a confused look. "What's with the mess…?" She asked.

Grabbing the controller, he sat up. "Eh, it's whatever, besides, it's not too bad," he dragged out the word as he looked around.

She gave him a dead look before picking up the controller, "Mum wants you to go outside, and since we both know you won't…" she plugged the dead remote in and sat down beside him.

"If I beat you you'll go outside for a bit and if I win… you get my game consoles for three days, ok? Challengers choice, like normal," she declared.

Sitting up he smirked, "Sure, beside you never let me use your Game Girl or DeviStation 2."

An almost smug look on her face as she picked up a game he hadn't played. It was one she got him for his birthday, but it seemed too girly. As the game music played, he kept losing, declaring to keep on trying over and over. "This is no use! You totally set a trap didn't you!?" He yelled.

She pushed herself up and shrugged, "I guess… I mean I got the game to beat you in it if needed. I'm sure you've got friends, you went to that mixer, just go camping for a night," she explained.

When the door clicked behind him he groaned. He was a man of his word, especially when it came to gaming. Pulling out his phone he clicked the buttons to Irumas number. Hesitating a bit, he called.

The ring lasts for a bit before Iruma's voice jumps up. "Hey, Shax!" He exclaimed.

Leaning on his palm, he tapped the phone. "Heyo! Was wondering if you wanted to go camping for a night?" He asked.

After a long second, "I'd love too, one second."

In the faint background, he could hear Iruma calling his grandpa. Looking around the room, he picked up a comic and flipped through the pages. After a bit, he heard Iruma's voice again. "He said yes, Grandpa also offered to bring us and the tents," he explained, a step to voice.

Well, it wasn't surprising, it was just a bit intimidating. After all, he is an important figure, and given how Iruma comes to school from time to time, a bit worrying.

"Ok, I'll be at your place… 9 sounds good?" He asked.

Iruma quickly let out an ok before they each said their goodbyes. Placing the phone on his bed he pushed himself up and grabbed some garbage. "How could there be such a mess, all I ever do is play video games…" he mumbled to himself.

After throwing some things out, he swung the bedroom door open. "I'm going around 9 am to go camping with a friend!" He called out.

His parents responded a happy ok before he closed the door again. Looking for his suitcase he wanted to start packing. It would only be a day, a day out of his weekend.


Iruma stared at the pile of things in front of him, he sighed, "Grandpa do I really need all of this…?" He questioned.

"Of course!" He responded.

Looking through all of it he smiled a bit, "Normally I only had a tent pillow and a blanket, well sometimes…"

His hands brushed against a wooden object, that he pulled out with a smile. "You have a guitar?" He asked.

Sitting back in a chair, Sullivan explained that it was both electric and acoustic, but he couldn't play it. It was a birch beige with a white pickguard, a brand name on it. Stumping a small tune, he felt like he was back in his world. "If you don't mind, may I please bring it?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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