What if Unn got to live in Asgard?

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This chapter contains spoilers for the Destiny of the Guardians series

This AU starts when Unn leaves Midgard to help the Frost Giants in a battle against Asgard. In the canon version of the story, she dies in the battle. But what if she survived?

Birger is still captured by the Asgardians and "killed" by Odin, but Unn never knows that. After the battle, she's allowed back into Jotunheim, but she's restricted from leaving the palace. She didn't care much at first, since she figured she could just hang out with all her old palace friends until her punishment is lifted.

But her friends treat her like an outcast. All of them are upset that she abandoned them for her "pet dragon." So they stay away from her. Even Colborn isn't willing to hang out with her much. While Unn was away from Jotunheim, Colborn had found a wife, and he didn't have time for "childhood friends" anymore.

However, she thinks all of this will change when she hears Laufey is going to have a child. She'd always wanted to have some kind of relative that she could be close to, other than her parents and her uncle. So she was excited for this news.

Then, when Loki's born, Laufey abandons him.

Unn is livid. At this point, she's had it with Jotunheim. Upon her return, after using Birger in battle as Laufey had always wanted and ultimately getting him killed, they treat her horribly, and now Laufey was leaving his own son to die.

So, Unn decides she doesn't want to be in Jotunheim anymore. She doesn't want Loki in Jotunheim if it means he's going to die. She takes him away and hides out to figure out where she wants to go.

Now, Unn knows Midgard is a smart option. She had a family there, and old friends that would be thrilled to meet her little cousin. But she gave her necklace up to Cirrus, and used Birger to travel to Jotunheim. Without Birger and her necklace, there's no way she can get back to Midgard.

Then, she comes across Odin. Trying to get into Asgard would've been the last idea on her mind, but with no other option, she had no choice. So she goes to him and tells him everything that's happened, and that if he couldn't accept Unn into Asgard, he at least had to take Loki.

Surprisingly to her, Odin allows both of them to Asgard, but on one condition. Unn would have to pose as Odin's daughter, so that Loki would never know that he's a Frost Giant. Unn doesn't want to lie to Loki, but it's her only to give him a better home. So she reluctantly agrees, and Odin takes her to Asgard.

So, Unn lives in Asgard with Loki, and he and Thor see her their big sister. She enjoys it, but always feels a sense of guilt knowing that she's not their older sister. She's only acting that way to stay in Asgard, to please Odin.

Of course, she doesn't like Odin much either. She's grateful that he let her live in Asgard, sure, but she always notices how Odin favors Thor over Loki. This is why, while she gives Loki a lot of attention as they are blood relatives, she tries to spend time with Thor too. Unn doesn't want to be like Odin and favor one over the other, because one of her brothers isn't related to her by blood.

The rest of the AU is mostly similar to what goes down in the movies, but Unn is there. It would also affect my fanfic series, as she would be there as well, and even get to meet Isa and Rose.

I do want to go into more depth with this AU. Unn and Loki never do get a chance to bond as relatives. Loki (as of now) is only ever gonna talk to her once, and it's just through a dream. So I'd like to see how they'd get along if they knew each other, and how Unn and Thor would get along.

So, this AU might get its own fanfic in the future. I just really like this idea and I wanna go somewhere with it. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this AU, and I hope you enjoy the book!

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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