1. Over Night

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I'm lost in this world because I don't know what to do. I need someone to tell me what to do, pinpoint it on a map for me. I can never defend myself, from my own fears. It's all a figment of my imagination. Sometimes they say the weariness leads you to wise but stupid choices. I think I've been left with nothing but troubles and worries.

I've been sitting on this cold ground, beside this bakery. But I feared that my stay beside the bakery was no longer welcome. As the owner walked out with a piece of bread in his hand.

"You need to go.", He said handing me me the piece of bread.

"May I ask why?", I asked him my hands feeling numb, due to the cold. I grabbed the piece of bread.

"I understand that you have no where to go.",  he said pausing and smiling at the lady that was entering the bakery. "But I can't have you, a homeless person. Sit outside my bakery. It makes the aspect of this place, which has been the soul of this neighborhood, look—", he said pausing. "Dirty."

"I'm sorry.", I said standing up. Moving my hair away from my face. "but where do you suppose I go?", I asked grabbing my backpack.

"It's not my problem dear.", He said going back into the bakery. I walked off into the cold winter air.

I'm alone, in Germany. I can't go back home, my family disowned me the minute I said I wanted to follow my aspirations. The minute I walked out of my home in Poland. I was dead to them, I was nothing but a fucking memory.

I walked these streets of Stuttgart, where Instead of walking like a hopeless fool. I was supposed to be walking towards my job, the one I told my parents I got. In a fashion studio here in Stuttgart. But that wasn't the truth. I was lost, Hungry, and cold.

I walked until It got dark. I cuddled up in a bench. Hoping no one would bother me. It was freezing and the blanket I had wasn't  the warmest. It's the year 2017, December 18th and close to Christmas. The sudden realization that I'll probably get hypothermia for Christmas.

The struggle of being here for a fucking month. No one to help me. I was the one who was supposed to get myself out of this mess. It was me. But I fucked up, I needed to find a job. But who wanted to hire a twenty three year old girl that didn't have a home and hadn't showered in at least a week. The struggle of showering in public restrooms. The disgusting feeling you where left with afterwards. It was...like a feeling of lowering yourself to disgusting standards.

It's the moving cars and the countless thoughts in my head that finally drifted me off to sleep.

"Darling.", a man's voice woke me up, I felt his filthy hands on my shoulder. Where he pushed me hard enough that I fell, scraping the sole of my hands. "This isn't a place for pretty girls like you to be. Why don't we...give you a warm welcome."

"Get away.", I said frightened. I started crawling backwards. Until my back hit a car. I touched the car in order to try and stand up and the alarm being to go off. "Just get away..."

"Now, I've seen you here for a while now.", He said licking his mouth. "It's time you get that warm welcome."

"Get away...", I whispered once again, I got off the ground and made a run for it.

"What do you say boys!?", I heard the man shout. "We give her a welcome to the streets?"

I heard men shouting, 'Ja's'. But I kept running. I looked back and I saw men running towards me. I ran faster, gasping for air. I was tired and I don't think my legs would go any further. I took many turns, knowing If I ever wanted to go back to get my belongings, I'd be fucking lost. I didn't want to look back anymore. I was grasping for air. I finally made it to a street that had actual lights. Filled with people.

Instead of running like an idiot, I began to walk. Blending in with the other people in the street I looked back for a split second. I was breathing hard, my black hair was in my face. My hazel eyes, brighter than ever. They where filled with adrenaline. I looked back once more, but I bumped into someone. He had a panda mask and I accidentally knocked it off.

I saw part of his hair, wavy brown hair in the light. A strong jaw line, a bit of stubble. He quickly picked up his mask, putting it back on. He Looked at me through the mask. I wondered what was he hiding from?

He reached for my hand and I flinched. Retreating my hand away from his reach.

"Whoa.", he said. "Calm down.", I looked at him, his eyes meant no harm. But in his mind I didn't know his true intentions. "What's your name?", I tried to move to the side so he would no longer bother me. But he moved to the side with me. "Okay, that's fine. I don't need to know your name but are you okay?", I nodded my head a simple nod. "I don't think so, your hands have blood...", I looked at my hands, he was right they had dried blood. "I can help you.", he said.

Help? No.

"Who are you?", I asked him, but what he gave me was a warm smile.

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A/N: I've decided to make another Cro Fanfic. But this one ties to the ones names Ganda Pang Series. So they will connect. Danke. Also has nothing to do with my other Cro Fanfic. Nothing to do.

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