When your BFF gets hot

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Shawn and I, have been Best buddies since birth. Our moms are best friends, and they decided, that it would be a good idea to become neighbors, so they did. We are 1 year apart Shawn is 18, and I am 17. Shawn and I would always, sneak in to each other's houses and watch movies till midnight, and when our moms found out, they would tell us to not do it again, but we did it again anyways. We would always spend each second of our summer vacation together, but this summer it was different. I had to go to summer camp all summer break, and it was great, I made a lot of new friends. But they took our phones away, so I didn't have any contact with Shawn all summer.

As I am driving home from camp, I'm starting to feel butterflies in my stomach. I am so exited to reunite with an old friend again. The bus stops at my house, and I cannot wait to get out, and see shawn. "OMG y/n, why didn't you tell us you had a super hot neighbor," Clair asks. "Because I don't, as far as I can remember," I say with a confused look on my face. All the girls has already shoved their way over to the window, to get a better look at the hottie. "Then who is he?", Sara asks. Still confused I lookout of the window and gasp in disbelief, a shirtless Shawn poring water on himself and- WAIT A MINUTE WHEN DID HE GET ABS, WHEN DID HE GET SO ATTRACTIVE?? Damn a lot can happen on a summer. I have so many questions, he's 18 he is way to old to have a glow up, how did he even get- "Are you getting out or what," the bus driver says with a frustrated look.

" yes, yes of course." I apologize and say goodbye to my friends. As I am getting my bags, I'm starting to get concerned. I know I can't talk with hot guys, so how am I EVER going to talk with Shawn like we normally do. But fear not Y/n I have a plan, and the plan is so genius, that I should be like Einstein or something. And that is: try to avoid him as much as you can and at any cost. I know it sounds lame and rude, but that's the only thing I can think of right now. Just walk as fast as you can, into your house, so he won't notice you. As I am strolling with my suitcase, my suitcase had to make this annoyingly loud noise. "Y/N!!!" I hear someone from behind shouting my name.

I turn around and it's Shawn, "long time no see" he says with a smile on his face. OH NO OH NO OH NO HOOO NO OH NO, what shall I reply to that. " it's been only been a couple of months" I say, as I turn around trying to ignore him as much as possible. I hear footsteps run towards me. "Are you not even gonna get me a hug?" He says as he's giving me a hug. "Shawn you are wet," I say as I am trying to act as cool as possible. "No you are" he winks at me, "it was hot so I poured water on me" he ads after seeing me not getting his joke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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