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"Make a wish upon a shooting star, and it'll come true."

Some said that was a groundless myth, but to Dahyun, it was not. She has grown up believing that the shooting stars are the one responsible for every wish that was granted.

Dahyun would spend every night watching the skies from her balcony. It's quite difficult to spot a shooting star in the city, but Dahyun managed to see it at least once or twice per month.

"Still waiting for shooting stars, Dahyunie?" her sister, Jeongyeon asked. She was fully aware of the younger's obsession toward shooting stars. But it was too much waste of time, since they're living in the city and Dahyun spent most of her nights waiting for a shooting star to appear.

"Yeah, I think one is going to appear tonight." Dahyun answered.

"You say that every night, Dahyunie."

"Oh, there it is." Dahyun pointed before clasping her hands together and closing her eyes, making a wish.

It's a cliche wish, to find the love of her life. But she really is curious about that person. The person she is going to spend her life with.

"So, what did you wish for?" Jeongyeon was curious.

"It won't come true if I tell." the younger replied, receiving a groan in response.


"So, what would you like?" the cashier at the ice cream shop asked.

"Two scoops of cookies and cream, please." Dahyun handed the cashier a few cash notes to the worker, only for it to be rejected.

"How about paying with your phone number, angel?" Dahyun was startled by how bold the cashier is.

"S-sure.." the pale girl stuttered.

"Write it here." the cashier gave her a pen and a paper before scooping the ice cream for the customer.

Dahyun hesitated, it's weird to give a stranger her number. But nonetheless, she still did.

"You're so cute, you know that, right?" Dahyun could feel heat running up her cheeks, she's sure her cheeks were as red as tomato right now. The pale girl's eyes went searching for the nametag, but to her dissapointment, the girl wasn't wearing any.

"Mina." the cashier said as she handed the cup of ice cream to Dahyun.


"My name. Mina." the cashier chuckled, looking at how flustered the girl is.

"Oh, thank you, Mina."

"Aren't you going to tell me yours, sweetie?"

"Dahyun." the blue haired girl replied.

"God really gave His angels pretty names." Mina flirted again, and Dahyun can't control herself that she rushed out of the ice cream shop, not forgetting the half melted ice cream.

"That was a first." Dahyun muttered. It's true, that was the first time someone tried to hit on her. Especially, a girl.


"You okay Dahyunie, you're red." Jeongyeon pointed out, she's so red.

"Yeah, I'm super okay! Don't mind me." before Jeongyeon got a chance to reply, the younger dashed into her room and plopped herself on the bed.

Her mind slowly began processing what happened, she was so sure Mina is flirting with her. But why? She's not even that attractive. Her long ponder ended when her phone buzzed.

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