lance:welcome home ¤part 1¤

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Shiro's point of view

   Hey guys we have a mission to do. The mission is that we have to go and save this person. It's not overly dangerous but I'm only sending in two people and you are  gonna be dropped off by pidge because her lion has the cloaking device and we need that so that the two I send can get in there unnoticed. This is all that I know but I do have pidge on the scanners looking for information so I wont send anyone in until we have more information but I thought that I would let you all know in advance. ''Do you have any idea when you are gonna send the two and who are you planning on sending out there. Are you asking for voluntary help or are you choosing the pair?''  Keith I have planned on leaving in a day or two I'm gonna pick the pair and I'm gonna send hunk for sure and I have not picked the other one yet. So is everyone caught up or are there any other questions? Lance you look like you have a question. ''No well yes but it's more of like a pressing question and that is do we know what they look like what their name is? I'm sorry I-I lost my best friend to the galra she was taken around the same time as you Shiro and I just miss her and I have no idea if she made it or if she is ok or if she escaped and is hiding somewhere. I'm sorry but it's just we did everything together we were like siamese twins.''
  Lance I understand what it's like to miss someone like that and I wish that I knew enough to help you but I just need a little time for pidge to get that kind of information but lance we will find her what was her name what was she like? 
     ''Her name was Y/N L/N and she had the most beautiful eyes I swear that they were the colour of a galaxy. They had shade of blue and purple and if she was in the sun or any kind of light it looked there were a million stars in them. Her hair was so soft. I promise it was softer than silk and it was the prettiest shade of H/C and it was the perfect length it framed her face in the most beautiful way. Her skin colour was just perfect and it was like the most unique shade and we always went to the beach. She lived right next to us and she came over like clockwork every day.'' Lance says crying at the happy memories.'' I could get ready and be at the door before she could even knock on the door and I swear my mom loved her more than me sometimes she always came over for dinner because her parents were not the best. They never hit her or anything but they just didnt care much. So we always played around or just talked till dinner time and then even after somedays if there wasnt school she was just the best it was always there for me and when she was sad I was there for her.
  But when she was taken and I didnt know what those things were I was scared and when I wasnt there for her the most she needed me and I feel like it's my fault.'' Hey lance it's not our fault there was nothing that you could do to prevent that from happening sometimes terrible things happen to amazing people. I promise you that we will try and look for her as best that we can.
     ''Umm hey lance I think that I found her but umm your not gonna like this. She look so sad.''    ''Come on pidge just tell me I think I can handle it.''   ''Well um she appears to be a gladiator but she is tied up on the wall sideways but her hair looks like it ombres down to a light violet colour and she looks broken like her every being looks broken.''    ''Shiro you have to send me with hunk so I can save her please you have to send me please she needed me then and I wasnt there so i have to be there for her now. I just hope she remembers me. It's been like a year and a half to to years since I've seen her.'' Ok lance its gonna be you and hunk pidge is gonna drop you off and assist you from the out side and we are gonna get her.  ''Wait Shiro is this even the person we have to get you said it was a person there could be another person are you sure this is the only one we have to get or is there another one and we are risking it all for this girl that we only heard about. I understand that lance cares about her but shouldn't we try and save every one on the ship.''   Keith's right we should try and save every one but Y/N is our top priority. I will send keith with you two so you can save anyone else who needs it and I dont want you to be noticed so be careful this is a very tedious thing. I want as least casualties as possible.

                      Hello babes I know I've been pretty inactive but there will be a part two so it should be here tomorrow so to that I say,

     Bye bye babes😁😋

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