The Accident

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First let me introduce myself, My name is Gracey Quinn, I'm 16 and adopted. I have light blue eyes that are almost grey and I have dyed blonde hair that is growing out at the ruts almost making it an Ombre with dark brown and blonde.

"Gracie we have to leave." My adoptive parents George and Jen yell from downstairs before they leave on their business trip. I run down the stairs to say goodbye and to hug them. Then they leave turning to me with big smiles on their faces which I happily return. Then they leave.

I run upstairs to my room which is full of the colour blue everything is either light or dark blue. I lay down on my bed as my phone starts to ring. "Hello?" I say through the phone. "Is this Gracey Quinn?" The person on the other side says. "Yes I am" I say back into the phone. "I'm sorry to inform you but your adoptive parents have died in a car accident we have someone coming over tomorrow who is going to help you find your real family". I drop my phone and started crying. "Why them? They haven't done anything with" I scream into my pillow punching it repetitively. My blue eyes filled with more tears as the person on the other side of the phone says sorry one last time and hangs up.

That moment I ran to the bathroom in my room and cried on the floor. Everything was too much. I know I shouldn't have but I grabbed something off the bathroom sink hoping it would be good enough. Sadly it was my razor and I do the unthinkable something I never wished to do ever.

I watched the blood come off of my wrists onto the sink. I cleaned the two of them up knowing George and Jen would be disappointed in me like I was with myself. I threw the things that I cleaned them up with in the bin and walked out and fall asleep in my nice warm bed. I dreamed of George and Jen and everything that happened to us from the day that they adopted me and till this very day. Everything is going to be different now and im going to have to accept it no matter what.

The next morning I wake up, I shower and look at the two cuts left on my wrist "I hope this doesn't become a habit" I thought to myself as I washed my hair. I get out the shower and change into a black long sleeve shirt which had nothing on it and put on my light blue jeans. While I was putting on my concealer and powder there was a knock at the door. I full on run down the stairs and open the door.

"Hello I'm Callie and I'm going to help you find your real family." The lady in front of me says as I move out the way for her to come in. I give her the same smile from when George and Jen left at least this gives me someone to talk to about it. "I'm Gracey but I think you already know that? please come in." I say as she laughs walking in.

We sit down at the table and she asked me all these questions about George and Jen and how I feel and everything along the lines of that. I told her about the self harm from the other night and told her how disappointed I was and how George and Jen would have been the same.

We keep talking about that until she changes the subject. "Ok so onto your real family.... We think we have found them. They live in Ohio I know it's a while away and we aren't sure how many siblings that you have but we know that your last name is Parker." The lady smiles. I look at her with a small smile. "When do I leave to go?" I ask. "Ill be driving you it's a long way yes but it'll do the both of us good." She smiles and so do I.
"Do you need help packing your stuff." She asks and I smile and nod my head yes.

We go to my room and start unpacking things. "I forgot to mention I have a boyfriend but like yeah...." I quickly stop my sentence not wanting to continue "I mean he's not bad but like we argue alot." I say. She smiles and says that she understands. We continue packing my stuff and we put it in her car. There was a few boxes luckily she had to big car so it fitted perfectly. I only took the things I wanted and the things that were important to me.

I lock the house and hand her the keys. Then we took off. I look back at the house that I grew up in my whole life and sheaded a tear then looked back at the road ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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