All is Found

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"Dear, what are you doing?" Izayoi asked her young son, Inuyasha, as she walked into his room of their gigantic mansion. His silver-white hair glowed brightly in the moonlight, his ears twitched at the sound of her voice. She could see his amber colored eyes as they watered. The red robe and hakama practically drowned his six year old body. As the woman looked closer, she could see Inuyasha leaning against one of his bedroom walls, seemingly making himself smaller. 

"Sitting," was his simple response as he wiped his watery eyes with his sleeve.

"In the corner of your room? In the dark?" she prompted, hoping to get a better answer out of him. He nodded in lieu of an answer. "Why in the world would you do that?"

The boy merely shrugged in answer instead of using his words.

A small frown furrowed Izayoi's thin eyebrows and painted lips as she gazed at her little boy. All of his short, six years of life he had been shunned by the humans in their village, children and adults alike. Inuyasha was ignored, bullied, insulted, or something else entirely and that did not sit well with the mother at all. What's a half-breed? the hanyou had asked her earlier that day. Izayoi had felt tears run down her cheeks as the question was asked, the tears for Inuyasha and the hardships he endured and will continue to endure because of what and who he was. Her son's birth was not his fault. He was simply a product of the love she shared with Toga, the Great Dog Demon General.

A saddened smile replaced the frown on her lips as she thought of her late husband. Toga would have loved Inuyasha. Their son was like him in so many ways, yet was also uniquely his own person. Toga would have gladly done anything for Inuyasha and she wished so much that he was here. She needed Toga so much to help show Inuyasha that he was not a monster. Or a freak of nature, but was actually very much a blessing. One she loved and adored so much and would protect until she died.

"Mama," Inuyasha's voice broke Izayoi out of her thoughts. "Why do you smell sad? Can I do something to help?"

The noblewoman shook her head as she sat down on the floor next to him. "No, darling, I'm okay. Right now, I want to help you," she answered. The young woman got into a more comfortable position by leaning against one of the walls of her son's room.

"Cuddle close, scooch in," Izayoi commanded. Slowly, Inuyasha uncurled from his ball on the floor and laid himself against her side, burying his head into the side of her chest. Gently, she smoothed her pinky finger up and down the bridge of his nose. As he was growing up, the noblewoman found that the simple gesture calmed her half-demon son down as well as made him sleepy. Softly, she began to sing the very lullaby she had heard growing up from her own mother.

Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep my darling safe and sound

For in this river all is found

In her waters deep and true

Lie the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Yes she will sing to those who hear

And in her song all magic flows

But can you brave what you must fear

Can you face what the river knows

Where the north wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come my darling homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found

Izayoi finished the little lullaby and heard Inuyasha yawn in exhaustion. "Sleep, my little one. Tomorrow is a new day," she whispered, only for the boy to hear. His ears twitched, signaling to her that he heard her. He snuggled deeper into her chest, falling asleep not too long after that. She smiled lovingly at her son. Looking up to the heavens, her smile brightened and said, "My dearest Toga, Inuyasha truly is a wonder among wonders." Then, she, too, fell asleep, with her arm wrapped protectively around her precious boy.


The now adult version of the half-demon gasped slightly as he heard his wife's voice. He turned to see her, lovely as ever, holding their two year old son's hand with one of her own and the other holding her pregnant belly. His wife's hair was tied in a loose ponytail, similar to Sango. Her hakama had been replaced by ones used during pregnancy as she was seven, nearly eight, months into it. "Hey, Kagome, Satoshi. Sorry, I was just lost in thought," he answered.

Kagome tilted her head slightly, asking, "What were you thinking about?" Even years later, he greatly appreciated the concern and worry in her voice.

He shook his head. "Just... a memory of my childhood." The priestess smiled softly at her husband, a knowing look in her bright brown eyes. Gently, she pushed Satoshi toward his father. Inuyasha was almost too glad to take the boy as the toddler tumbled into Inuyasha's lap happily and snuggled right in.

"I have some training to do with Kaede for a little while. I'll be back in time for dinner tonight. He's all yours to do with as you wish," Kagome said. Leaning down as much as her swollen stomach would let her, she placed a small kiss on Inuyasha's temple. Afterwards, Kagome began to walk away from him as Inuyasha felt something tug at his chest.

He looked down to find Satoshi smiling brightly at him but a question in his purple-gray eyes. Inuyasha's son was the splitting image of Kagome, down to the black hair, ears, and smile. "Is Daddy sad?" the little boy asked, his own brand of genuine concern tinging his voice. "Can I help you feel better?"

Inuyasha shook his head. "No, Toshi, I'm okay." The half-demon smiled down at his son, his amber eyes shining with love. The half demon immediately cuddled the boy to his chest, Satoshi giggling. "All is certainly found, Mother. I have found everything." With that, Inuyasha let Satoshi play with his forelocks and fingers, being mindful of his claws.

His ears twitched as a gentle breeze went by him. If Inuyasha listened closely enough, he could almost hear his mother say, "I'm happy for you, dear."

Author's Notes:

I was really inspired by Frozen 2 and the music that went along with it. Truly, Elsa's story in the plot felt real and like everything anyone could feel and I think that her story fits Inuyasha rather well as they both felt like outsiders while also being surrounded by loved ones. Plus, I thought that Iduna's lullaby for Elsa and Anna would be a perfect fit for Inuyasha's mother to sing to him when he was just a child.

All criticism is welcome. Please let me know what y'all think. 

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