The consert

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December, 6th 2014
That was the day I met her .... I was going to a Black veiled brides concert with my dad for a father daughter day and that was when I met her ...... Her name was Alanna ....... I was shy at first but as soon as we made eyes contact I knew I just new we were gonna be friends it was like nothing like nobody mattered........ I was trying to start a conversation and at first I was shy but then it all just kinda fell in place..... yes this story is about me an that beautiful girl for the book cover........ can she read this ........ yes ....... does she feel the same I don't know ...... But this is my story my thoughts my feeling about and to her ......

Dear Alanna,
What eyes u have what heart we share ........ You've completed me..... When we held hand which I will get to latter in the book and when u slept in my bed and we snuggled........ Those moments ......... The moments when u look into my eyes and see me ....... I won't leave you if you say no because all I want to do is care and hold u I want to help u and dry ur tears.......... I'll always love u


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