Dear StarClan

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   Dear StarClan,
    As my paws touched the ground, heavy fear pounding through my heart. I have tried to stay away ... but his eyes....they stare into me and calm me. Yet nothing, I have learned, come without a price, he controlled me and my only sense of whole came with attached to him. This curse like truth could not be stopped by me. Only by others who did not fear me.

     I saw him, his white fur and large black paws. The cat who promised to hook me whole once again. The words were speaking....then suddenly I felt I knew I how to save myself. I bolted away, for a second I felt almost like my eyes were glowing. And that my dark fur that they all feared, was light and they loved me once again. I would run away to find a cat that would care, that would break me away... that would love me...
    That's when I realized that she was following right behind me...  Fear, spilling my quest that I had yelled outloud. Red, I grabbed red. Warrior berries are what controller had called them when I was a kit.  giving those berries, feeling so selfish, he jumped on me. Everything was shattered. There was no point. My family, the ones supposed to love and care, shattered my last chance. Dulling my very eyes to a grey as dark as my fur that I so reluctantly live In.


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