Chapter 1: intro event

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I stood there looking down at the water beneath me and thought about everyone from the past, I closed my eyes then looked up. The stars sparkled in the night sky brightening my features, I turn around and smile up at the stars. My 'friends' look round and see me at the edge with no shoes on, they new what I was going to do...

I close my eyes once more and breath out relaxed as anything, and before I new it the cold air was swirling around me and twirling through my hair. I lay back in the air and fell to the clear water that the moon shined upon. I heard everyone shouting, screaming and gasping at what I was doing. They never thought I would have gone this far. I look at the stars once more before touching my water with m hands and feeling my whole body then floating around in the water, lifeless I stay in one position, not caring what was going to happen next. My eyes slowly close as a Andrew came swimming to me and realised he was to late. He but his head onto mine and closed his eyes then swam away leaving me in my water, my eyes fully closed now I see darkness and nothing else. I could still hear people around the ocean gasping and crying and begging for me to come back. I see nothing of it and didn't care I knew it was the end and I didn't mind about that, not one bit...

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