Moving Back?!(prolouge)

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It had been a few years since Eth last visited Fazzy Town. He thought about his friends and the adventures he had there. He decided to make a life changing choice. He decided to move back to Fazzy Town permanently and relive the times he had there. Eth quickly raced inside his house and went into his bedroom closet to find a suitcase. Eth then found a big one and predicted that the suitcase was big enough to take with him. He then plopped the suitcase on his bed and started packing it. He decided to leave tonight and surprise his friends. Eth smiled " I can't wait! " he mused to himself.

Eth decided to call Fredbear to see if there was a house that wasn't been used. He put in Fredbear's number and waited " hello? " the bear asked. " hey Fred! " Eth said,cheerfully. " Eth?!? " Fredbear's voice spoke in surprise. Eth could tell he was very surprised and told the bear " I have made a decision,I'm moving to Fazzy Town,permanently! " Eth could hear Fredbear gasp through the phone before the bear asked " you want me to see if a house is available? " Eth then spoke " yes,I really want to surprise my friends! " Eth could hear typing noises from the other end before Fredbear's voice rang out " okay,Eth. I found a house for you to stay in. It's a medium size house. " Eth smiled " thank you,Fred. Now I'll continue packing and I'll come visit you tonight for my house key." Eth told Fredbear before the latter spoke " good luck,Eth. "

Fredbear then hung up and Eth went back to packing. After a few moments,he was ready. As he was dragging his luggage towards his plane,he thought to himself. ' will my friends even remember me? ' Eth was forced out of his thoughts by a door. He then opened his front door and dragged his luggage towards his plane. Once at his plane,he quickly put the luggage in the back seat as he climbed into the passenger seat. He then buckled himself in and started the plane. He then flew off. Eth then hoped that his luggage wouldn't fall out of the plane. After a few hours of flying,he saw Fazzy Town and landed. He then took out his luggage and went towards Fredbear's office. He then silently opened the door and walked inside. "Oh Eth,there you are!" Spring Bonnie whispered. It was night outside and the rabbit didn't want to wake anyone up. He had also been informed of Eth's arrival by Fredbear. He then gave Eth his key " Fredbear was going to give it to you himself but he was fatigued and needed sleep so I told him I would give you your key myself. " Spring Bonnie told Eth in a whisper.

Eth then nodded as he took his key and asked Spring Bonnie where his new house actually was. Once the rabbit told him,he nodded and walked outside and towards his house. He stopped for a moment before opening up his luggage and thinking to himself' ' I just know I packed it....Ah! There it is! ' he then pulled out a flashlight and zipped his luggage closed. Eth then turned on the flashlight and continued walking. He then felt a breeze and looked up,seeing a pair of red eyes stare back at him. " h-hello?" Eth asked. The eyes narrowed to look closer before widening. The eyes then came down and Eth saw the figure more clearly. " D-Dark? " the bear asked in a surprised tone. " I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a midnight fly. I saw a glimpse of you and I had to be sure if it was you or not. So what are you doing out here so late? " the darkavoid asked the bear " well I'm trying to find my house. I wanted to surprise you,Kadi,and Corey. I'm moving here permanently!  " DarkBox couldn't believe what he was hearing. " is this true? " He asked,he saw the bear nod. " I won't say a word and I'll pretend like we never saw each other. " he put his hand on his heart before winking at Eth. Eth chuckled " I still need help to find my house so goodnight. " Eth spoke before he started to walk off. " wait! " he heard DarkBox yell before a teleportation noise was heard. Eth then yelped as he fell onto his back,apparently DarkBox had teleported right in front of him,DarkBox then helped Eth back onto his feet before Eth told him the directions that Spring Bonnie had told him. DarkBox then pointed in the right direction before Eth nodded and thanked DarkBox before walking off. DarkBox then waved Eth goodbye before flying off. A yawn then escaped the darkavoid's mouth " well helping Eth sure did the trick,nothing like helping a friend in order to fall asleep. " DarkBox then teleported back to his house and slept next to Kadi.

With DarkBox's help,Eth managed to find his house. He then opened the door and decided to clean up the house before falling fast asleep on the couch. He was thankful that the house already had furniture. He guessed that Fredbear must have asked for the furniture. Eth felt happy and proud of his decision. He missed his old friends and hoped that they could have many more adventures in the future.

Dream Sequence

Eth then found himself in a cage. He was also on a stage and he saw Fredbear. " Fredbear?!? " Eth spoke in surprise and shock. " you never should have come back here. " Fredbear spoke to Eth in a cold tone. Eth saw that Fazzy Town was in ruins. " you let a terrible monster follow you and now nobody is safe. " Fredbear turned to face Eth with a hated look in his eyes. " the only way to get rid of it is to get rid of you. " Eth then saw that everything went black.

End Dream Sequence(for now)

Eth shot up and found himself on the couch where he last was when he fell asleep. He sighed before thinking to himself  ' did I made the right choice? ' he sighed again before going back to sleep again.

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