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Realization never hit so hard, yet so smooth. Waking up is hard especially if every single past memory comes to you in a matter of seconds. I was in a place unknown knowing this is not my home. With blurry vision I came to see a figure leaning against what seemed like a door. A door closed with no exit. The figure continued moving to a capacity I could not keep up with. Approaching me with ease like a tiger analyzing it's prey knowing it can't move all, defenseless. Eyes closing and my head pounding I couldn't concentrate on anything, yet that cologne I recognized. That scent brought back memories I've suppressed for years. Conscious was lost again and black was all I saw until I couldn't see anything.
Pounding head was all I felt between the light and dark with my eyes opening and rejecting the light, couldn't think of anything else. My attempt to sit up was futile yet again I tried, until I got it right and leaned against a bedpost with leather for just the perfect comfort. I opened my eyes to feel them the heaviest I've felt them in years like when I was 17 and used to only sleep 4 a day when I worked, it was harsh however did the job. I tried to move my feet towards the edge of this bed but they responded late with an ache like I've just started working out, I then noticed I didn't have my heels I did the night before. In fact I didn't have the shirt I wore the night before. It all came to me in seconds. My breathing henched then increased in thought of Matteo where was he. I heard the door open when my feet touched the surface of what appeared to be wooden elegant floor like the whole rest of the master bedroom. Decorated appropriately for a male figure. The dizziness filled my head until it disappeared as soon as it came, once my feet touched the floor when standing. I looked to the door, I didn't realize how long I'd been holding my breath. I hadn't seen him in such a long time it felt like time hadn't changed yet he was so different from the last time I saw him. Not only did he but I as well. Were not the same same people we used to be, time changes you, along with all those scars left beneath leaving a mark sometimes invisible, only to the point where you can feel it but not see it. Not only figure wise, however that look in his eyes it was darker he was no longer a boy he became a man. Everything came back the feelings, everything. It's like when you say that your about to die and your life passes in a split of a second, only my whole life was just him. Our memories together. Yet they became nonexistent once our last memory returned hurting worse than the rest. I looked away before my eyes betrayed me, not wanting him to see how he still affected me. I looked towards him once again, yet not at him I looked through him like he was just another individual. "Where's Matteo?" He looked at me, if I thought his eyes were dark before they were worse now-he was was always the jealous type from any guy who just smiled at me. He walked towards the wardrobe next 6 feet from the door leaving it unlocked and a exit wide open. He chucked like I questioned why the sky was blue, crossing his arms his eyes turned to me. "It's been 4 years and that's all you say ask for some idiot that couldn't protect you?" Matteo's no idiot he surrendered his gun because if he fired a bullet there could of been a possibility of hitting me, he's the best at what he does. That's why he was assigned to protect me, only me, fathers orders. It was hard getting used to him at first due to him following me everywhere but I've established a relationship with him, not couple wise gcbut like as if he were my own blood. "It wasn't Yeah his fault he's kept me safe for longer than you ever could and either way what other choice did he have when a gun was pointed to my head by one of your men." He opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, regret instantly obvious to what he would of said. "Fine where am I." This room was too big to just be to a normal regular house it was the size of my fathers room exactly maybe just the difference of this one being taller that was quite impressive. My fathers house was considered a mansion I could only imagine what this one would be considered. "My room." He replied "And Matteo I need to see him. Look whatever my brother or dad got mixed up in it has nothing to do with me or Matteo." Frustrated he unfolded his hands and ran the right one through his hair, he only did that when he was desperate with a situation. " You worry about him more than you do for yourself." He said with a hint of a treat, towards me. "Should I be worried for my life." He seemed offended that he gave me a disgusted look, and started walking towards me slowly. "You honestly think I would hurt you or let anyone hurt you, after everything that happened between us, what you mean to me." Him approaching didn't make it any better I walked backwards with every step he took forwards, I didn't trust him and once he noticed that he stopped. Hurt evident in his eyes. "I wouldn't know anymore, have you forgotten what happened last time." I knew that hurt him beyond anything, not more than it hurt me to remember thought. I had to really admire him, he built and empire for himself the empire he said he would built for me to be his queen I can only laugh at that memory now. I almost forgot about Matteo, almost. "I need to see Matteo make sure he's okay and if you meant what you said then you won't have a problem letting us go, unharmed." His eyes hardened at my last word and when I mentioned Matteo. "Who is he to you? Why worry so much for a bodyguard? I wouldn't unless he was my own blood." That's always been the difference between me and him if you weren't his blood he could care less about you. Me on the other hand strangers became like family more than my own blood in some instances. "That would be none of your concern, what would be is what you initiated with taking a member of the northern mafia and his daughter." He looked at me with confusion yet he masked it. I could care less what he thought I just needed to make sure Matteo was okay. I've seen first hand what is done in a questioning room that's what they refer to it, I call it the torture room. Frustration struck and I once again attempted to reason with him that I needed to see how Matteo was. "Look just take me with Matteo I need to see him, I'll forget what happened yesterday with your men, it'll be like it never happened. We'll go our own separate ways like we did once before." A phone instantly rang he hesitated to answer it not moving a muscle just staring at me until I cleared my trout and looked anywhere but at him uncomfortably. He knew how uncomfortable I instantly became when someone was just staring at me. I could still feel his eyes on me glaring a whole in me like he couldn't belive what was in front of him. Still staring at me with, movement initiated with his hand reaching towards his pocket and him picking up his phone not even checking who was on the other side. I couldn't make out anything from the phone it all sounded like distant noises. All he said was "try harder until he breaks". A smile came across his face I knew who he was referring to. Matteo. I looked at the door and him distracted with his phone while putting it in his pocket I came to a decision, and impulsive decision. I ran through the door past him I through the doors and checking every single door until I found Matteo. At least that was my thought ass soon as I turned my attention towards the door and took a step past him he grabbed me with rapid reflection until he held me tightly my back towards his front. I almost forgot his warmth, he didn't stop there his muscles squeezed me towards him I struggled until he put his head in the space between my neck and his shoulder. I attempted to remove myself yet I couldn't, he had always been stronger than me. I let him belive I was giving in he loosened his touch and right then I elbowed him in the abdomen. He removed his hands hunched over I saw him vulnerable, and that's when I turned around and kneed him in all men's sensitive area. Heavy breathing I walked backwards, not believing what I just did. "Don't ever touch me again." My voice was shaky and I didn't know what else to say. The words barley came out, I just knew I couldn't be that close to him again. "You lost that right a long time ago." Standing straight no longer bending down he had the darkest look in his face I've yet to see. There I could see he had been drinking, a habit of his for some time. "Fine I'll take you to him." A smile started appearing until he motioned with his hands for me to continue walking first. I hesitantly walked past him-I didn't know what state he was in if he could think clearly. We passed doors, all different yet the same I lost count of how many. We went further down towards the stairs, going stair by stair in the silence that was beyond uncomfortable. This house was not only bigger, but much more elegant than my fathers. If I wasn't so worried for Matteo I would of congratulated him in all his success, of course none of it was done honestly. Yet it still counted, no one gets to the top in the amount of time he did. We were no longer in the stairs we were headed towards a door that lead outside. You could see the light transcending through the impressively cleaned glass. He opened the door for me to go first and I did I needed to get to Matteo. There was another building close to the one we were previously in, by the look of its size it looked like it could hold 2/3s of the house we were in. The closer we got the more nervous u became I didn't know what to expect and he was being too silent still with that half smirk on his face, as though he were taunting me. The door needed a code in order to enter, he pressed it in and the door opened like that of a safe. It was even more silent inside, it was all a black matte with stainless steel, also decorated as elegant as possible. We reached further in and I started to hear sounds of agony I knew that was Matteo I could recognize his voice. I started to walk faster when a hand grabbed me and bluntly he said "there's nothing you can do for him, it was ordered by" he paused like as if he was getting used to the name. "Your father." That couldn't be true my father would never allow such treatments to be done to one of his men or to even have me taken, in the manner that I was. I tried to shake my hand and he just wouldn't let go, he wasn't putting pressure on it, but I was growing irritated by the second. That was until I heard my fathers voice. "Valerie, it had to be done no matter the repercussions". I turned around in disbelief my brother Leónidas, standing right next to him like always, with his arms crossed, his usual position. If I thought my irritation was getting out of hand with Luca, then it was far beyond my control now. I realized he still held on to my my wrist not letting go even with both of their presence. Every guys that would stare at me would look away immediately in their presence. Nevertheless would they touch a hair of mine fearing the repercussions. I tried to remove my wrist from my arm yet Luca wouldn't let go. I turned towards Luca in a low and murderous voice so that only he could hear me, the one I learned from both my father and Leónidas. "Like I said before you lost that right a long time ago never put a hand on me again, Matteo has more of a right to do so than you." I knew that ticked him off in that moment I was heated, I've only spoken to certain people in that way. He advanced towards me, and filled in the space that my arm divided when I attempted to go find Matteo. Leónidas realized this and started to advance I could hear his footsteps approaching. He had always been the protective brother from everyone including my father, even though he knew I could deal with him. His footsteps became louder with every step he took. Luca pushed me so that I was now behind him, no longer holding my wrist. Leónidas and Luca stood at the exact height, they were in each other's faces about to fight when Leónidas spoke. "A favor is owed to you for what you did yesterday, one that will be payed to you in whatever way you wish. However, Valerie is another thing touch her again and you won't like the consequences." I moved to the side not even slightly impressed with what he said, my main thought was Matteo since the moment I arose this morning. I continued to walk passing my father who was more interested in stopping their argument than my movements. Their voices became almost nonexistent, just an echo barley recognizable. I passed a corner to the right then another to the left until I came to a room with no door and walked in to, almost regretting it instantly. I've never been a squeamish person, but seeing Matteo like that broke me to the point where my knees became numb, I didn't notice my breathing stopped. With his shirt opened o his sides, you could see his bare chest he was bleeding from deep cuts with bruises all where his skin could be seen. I started walking without realizing and stood front of him in a blink of an eye. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything, I couldn't react I couldn't of stopped this from happening to him. Vision blurry I commenced to remove him from the standing position he was in if you could call it standing when your being hung by your hands and your feet barely able to support all of your weight. Moving frantically I released one of his arms, then I saw that he was still alive with the movement of his neck. I then released the other one not sure if I was could hold on to him when his whole weight landed on me, nothing else but me. I instantly regretted it his body fell to the ground except his head I was able to still hold on to that. He eyed made an attempt to open slowly but failed the first time all I felt was happiness, calmness I felt protected next to him ever since I woke up I felt panicked but it was because I wasn't with him even knowing I'm here in their torture chamber would have me on edge but since he's here I'm not I feel safe. That all was interrupted when a man with a blood stained white shirt enter the room his footsteps heavy from his weight. He saw me and instantly drew his gun from his holster with instinct pointing it in my direction. He was unrecognizable to me, must be a newby since he was wearing a white shirt instead of black to at least disguise the blood thy drew from their victims. infuriated with the fact that he was the one who tortured him I withdrew the gun from the nearest table he appeared shocked from my movements. Shoot I dare you, give me a good reason to return the favor. I heard footsteps that of a crowd approaching a mear echo in the distance. Except it wasn't in the distance it was right outside the door within seconds. As soon as they all stood by each other's side and saw my gun they were shocked but more or so by the fact that one of his bodyguards was pointing a gun to me. As soon as Leónidas saw that he grabbed his gun and threw him to the ground with one single punch I hadn't lowered my gun. Didn't plan to. "Did you really order this to be done to him, why?" "Valerie I didn't have a choice it was either that or hand him over to the Russians themselves when they attempted to take you yesterday luckily Luciano was close by and was able to retrieve you before the attackers were able to get to you. You know what the Russians are capable of." "You didn't answer my question why!" We thought he was the one that sent out the information to the Russians about your whereabouts and were just questioning him." " Matteo wouldn't never do something like that, he's no trader." That's when my dad asked me the question that would for sure have him killed, "then where was he last night.He would never so something like that to me I drew my gun to the floor hesitate for I didn't trust them none of them. "Leónidas help me with him I can't do it on my own." Lucas face showed full disapproval I could care less at this point. Leonidas however always listened to me he came and picked him up with such an ease I would of opened my mouth I I didn't know his bench record. My father on the phone discussing Matteo's loyalty was never lost. I tried to stand but the dizziness came back.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 19, 2020 ⏰

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