
452 47 114

Welcome beautiful or handsome.😁...don't mind me, I like flirting.

Welcome to the Ice cream Awards 2k20. Who loves ice cream??. I do!!

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[]Introduction []

This is a simple awards. Our aim is to make your books known to others. Wattpad has real talented writers, but people never notice their books and sometimes that pulls down our energy to continue.

You might have written a nice story, but because of lack of readers, you unpublish it and go back to square one..

But since you're here, we'll help in getting people to notice your stories.

For every Genre we want 12 participants and 12 judges. If a genre is marked full, please don't sign up there. It's bad turning people down and I'll just have to do it.

Ugh me and my long (but important) rants.

Next chapter is the rules which we expect y'all to follow.

The Ice Cream Awards 2k20 (OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now