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For the first time in your entire life, you were happier than you ever thought you could ever be, you would've never expected to be that happy after being told that you were being sold.

You were frozen in your place as everything started to truly sink in.

There would no longer be staying in the same dark and damp cell watching as new people came and went as soon as they entered those doors.

You could finally say goodbye to the moldy and stale bread and vegetable and murky water that for the past two years constituted as a meal.

But most importantly there would no be those "appointments" as some would call them where you would be poked with needles until your vision got blurrier and blurrier until you couldn't keep your eyes open.


At the sound of the comforting tone by the familiar voice, you were snapped out of the thoughts that raced through your head, you would've winced from the whiplash of you snapping your head up if it wasn't for the overwhelming excitement coursing through you as raced over to the leopard.


He winced slightly as you jumped into his arms, pulling him down to eye level but those feelings quickly disappeared, the slightly pained expression replaced with a soft smile the matched the warm smile on your face that stretched across your cheeks.

He watched as you barraged him with a multitude of questions each question coming out as soon as each question ended.

"What did you do?"

He froze at your words and looked away, rubbing the back of his head.

He was at first surprised by your words but that surprised turned to nervousness as his eyes darted around the poorly lit room as if searching for an answer.

He took a deep gulp before looking back at you while still avoiding direct eye contact. "What do you mean?"

"Well, Han told me that it would take a lot for me to leave the tower."

He let out a deep sigh before dropping his hands, cringing slightly at the contact of the damp stone floor.

"Nothing much," he said with a small smile before looking back at you, bringing you into his arms before he stood up, "But we should get out of here already."

"What? Why?!"

[E/C] eyes narrowed at the three carnivores standing in front of you making them a bit less intimidating by the second as you continued to glare at them.

"Just get out of here already, for the millionth time this is a clinic, not a hangout," raising the broom in your hand you took another step towards them, "Look I'll take care of your friend okay, I just can't do it with all you in here."


"No buts," you said, poking all three of them with your broom, your glare not once leaving your face, "I'll finish up with him in a minute just leave already."

Exchanging looks they reluctantly turned away and left but not without groaning and muttering less than pleasant things under their breath.

"What was that?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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