The Past

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It was the year 1979. Jotaro Kujo was a regular,normal 9 year old. He lived a normal life until his dad went on a supposed trip. Jotaro didn't think much of it because he had such experiences of his father leaving the home and then returning back after a span of few months. But this time was different . Way too many months had passed. Jotaro's mother, Holly Kujo was breaking down and becoming more depressed as time passed. The only thing keeping her from relapsing from society was her only beloved son, Jotaro.

But the rumors at school were a different story for the young child. Rumor spread that his father had cheated. Rumor spread that his father never truly loved him. Rumor spread that Sadao Kujo was......

Sadao Kujo

Sadao Kujo

The beginning of all his troubles. Sadao Kujo. Yet Jotaro held on for the sake of his dear mother. But all actions come at a cost. A breaking point exists for every creature,no matter what it is. And there was a breaking point for Kujo Jotaro as well. He was a human. He was hurt by bullying as much as anyone else. But that kid,was the breaking point. He was too much. The boy that appeared after 2 years. He was trouble.


Holly sharply turned around but decided to ignore instead. She pulled on Jotaro's hand but he didn't move. Holly was worried. Was this the breaking point?. Jotaro pulled away from his mother and started walking over to the kid. His hands balled into a fist and before Holly could either stop or even comprehend what had just happened,Jotaro was punching the kid square in the nose.


He continued punching


Punch after punch


His fisted sped up


A final punch. The kid's nose was bleeding and obviously required medical attention. Holly immediately pulled Jotaro away. But Jotaro had different plans in mind.

"Shut the fuck up you bitch. It's all because of you that this is happening"

Holly stared back in shock

"If you hadn't married that ass of a father,i wouldn't be alive. And that is what i wanted to happen, since there is no point in living"


"No point in living"
These words ran over and over while Holly tied a noose.

"No point in living"
These words ran over and over while she stood up on a stool.

"No point"
These words ran over when Jotaro walked in her room. He had no suspicion of what Holly was about to do to herself.

"What the fuck are you doing mom!!!"an 11 year old Jotaro cried. Holly saw that he dropped a card with the words "sorry mom" written over them. Holly's sudden relapse from society was bonded with a string of hope. With Jotaro. She suddenly broke down in the arms of the child for whom she would keep living on for.

Jotaro was happy that he saved his mom. Unfortunately the situation when he punched a boy made him a delinquent at school. Jotaro did not care. He was happy his mom lived. He did not need friends. He was happy as he was.

In another place in Jotaro's school

Kakyoin Noriyaki was cornered by his bullies. He was a timid,shy person. Which was one of the many reasons he was bullied. He was shy,he was short,and he was quite. The exact target for bullies. But Kakyoin was a hard worker who never gave up. He looked around and saw an opening. A chance. He made a run for it and was about to turn a corner when no other than Jotaro Kujo bumped into him. Kakyoin was scared. A delinquent from one side and bullies from the other?. There was no escape from this one. Or so he thought. Jotaro looked behind Noriyaki Kakyoin and saw the bullies. He caught a whiff of the situation and immediately pushed Kakyoin behind him Kakyoin was unaware of what just happened and he was too perplexed to move. He looked back,afraid of what he would see.

"Run away from here" said Jotaro

Kakyoin was surprised that Jotaro was standing up for that bullied boy.

"Listen here you little shit with no fathe-"

He was suddenly cut off by a fist.

"I don't have a father. And i don't need one either. My mom is enough for my growth. And anyone who badmouths her will suffer."

The upper class man was hit by this flurry of punches while Jotaro had finished his epilogue. The other class mates had heard rumors about this Child. He knew not to mess further. He picked up his classmate over his shoulder and walked back while apologising profusely.

"Why did you do that?" Asked Noriyaki Kakyoin

"tch...i don't know either. He bullied you. He got what he deserved"


"You cried for help in your eyes. I was bullied and i don't want you to end up the same as me"

Kakyoin suddenly hugged Jotaro and for once Jotaro did not push away

Jotaro and Kakyoin became pretty good friends after a while and nobody,NOBODY dared to go against the duo.

Years later

Years had passed since Jotaro and Kakyoin became best friends. They were each others only friends. And they treasured their moments together. They had their lunch at the school together. They went home together. They were practically inseparable. And everyone who knew them,knew to stay away from the duo. Jotaro had grown to a massive height of nearly 195 centimetres(6'5 ft) and while Kakyoin was a tiny bit shorter he was still above average. A whopping height of 178(5'10 ft) centimetres and they were most probably the most feared duo of all the school and a higher chance of being the most feared friends of their own turf. No one dared to mess with them. Jotaro couldn't figure out where it went wrong. Why did it have to happen. Why was it the only outcome.

Nothing made sense anymore. No one made sense anymore

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