Somethin' You Should Know

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It was late one winter night and young Jamie Bennett was up reading with his flashlight, as per usual. This is how the ten year old spent most of his time regardless of the season, though winter was his favorite. Most children his age preferred summer, he however, favored winter above the other seasons because this is when his best friend and mentor Jack Frost came into town. To think it had already been two years since he'd met and bonded with the mischievous Guardian.

It may have been 11:30 at night but it was a Friday and he was still expecting Jack to make an appearance. Besides, he was elbow deep in serious research regarding his inhuman friends otherwise known as the Guardians. It was obvious to anyone who could see them that they weren't exactly human, so what were they? He had wondered this for a while now though for some reason unknown to him he had never thought to ask. Though he had heard them refer to themselves as spirits once. The question was, what kind? It wouldn't be a mystery much longer, he had every intention of finding out.

He was currently reading a book written for people at least a few years older than him, titled 'Ghosts, Demons And All Things Supernatural'. If his mother were to find out he'd be in line for a serious interrogation. According to the book, no entity could be considered a 'spirit' unless said being was without physical form. Jamie supposed that could be, Jack had explained to him once that unless someone believed in him they would pass right through like air. So the mystery was solved. In fact, he was so certain he had figured out the great secret that he was about to close the book and wait for Jack... until he read the next sentence. 

"The loss of a physical form is, in most cases, attributed to death."

All Jamie could do for a long moment was stare at the yellowing page. That didn't make any sense, Jack Frost was no ghost, right? Ghosts were the things you read about in thrillers or see in horror movies, Jack was the good guy. Jack didn't go around haunting people or lurk in the shadows like Pitch Black did. Jack didn't posses objects or smile evilly in the dark, Jack was kind and happy. He would never hurt anyone like the monsters from the posters in the library, he couldn't be... dead. Could he?

Jamie's heart was racing now. Nothing felt right anymore, because no matter how hard he tried to tell himself otherwise, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon a horrible truth. "No," Jamie told himself again, "Jack isn't like that. He's different." So why didn't he believe it? If Jack was dead, why hadn't he said anything before?

He was so caught up in his turmoil that he didn't fully register the window opening, allowing entrance to his best friend fallowed shortly by a cold winter breeze.

"Hey kiddo!" exclaimed the frosty winter spirit. Though upon seeing the lack of reaction coming from his young friend, the teenager began to feel a bit unnerved and worried. Jamie was usually so full of life and excitement, to see him so still was a new experience, one Jack wasn't sure he liked so much. 

"Jamie?" he asked.

Young Jamie Bennett jumped, letting out a soft gasp when hearing his name called unexpectedly. Jamie had never been afraid of Jack before, not even when he first discovered the older boy in his room so long ago, but he was afraid now. He was torn between wanting to run from Jack, and run to Jack. It was an odd sense of fear and longing, but how was he to break the tie? The supposed ghost was looking at him in such concern protectiveness, the child didn't want to go without his brother's comfort any longer. Jamie jumped off of his bed and embraced the spirit, burring his head in the teen's chest, shaking lightly.

"Woah, slow down there kiddo." Jack said kindly, "What happened? Are you alright?"

Even if he was afraid of Jack, Jamie knew he loved him. Fear or no fear, Jamie would be devastated if any sort of harm befell the young man. Jack may be here with him, but just the knowledge that his most favorite companion had endured some horrible tragedy was enough to make little Jamie want to cry.   

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