Introduction To Witchcraft

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Hello, everyone, my name is Carmen and I'm a baby witch which basically means I'm new to witchcraft thank you all for reading this and hopefully, it will help you as well.

Now, what is witchcraft? Witchcraft is the basic use of spells and the practice of magick. Witchcraft is a very broad term because there are many types of different Witches that use magick in different ways such as Kitchen witches, Eclectic witches, green witches, hereditary witches, and many more. BUT please don't confuse witchcraft with Wicca and Paganism they ARE NOT the same thing Wicca and Paganism are both different religions. Unfortunately, I'm neither Wiccan or Pagan so will not mention them often or at all, after this, I am an Eclectic Witch.

What is an Eclectic witch? An Eclectic witch is a type of witch that takes different types of practices from other types of witches and incorporate them into there own practice.

How do I know if I am a witch and what type? I consider witchcraft a type of calling its not really something that you just wake up to and you're like 'I wanna be a witch' because witchcraft is not only practicing magick its a lifestyle sometimes it's very slowly developing but it does get there. Not only that but you have to be committed if not you can't call yourself a witch it's okay to dip your toe in if you want to try and decide if it is or not for you, that is perfectly fine I admit it's not for everyone. For trying to decide what type of witch you are I would go on the internet and read different descriptions for different witches and see which one piques your interest the most and go for it.

Okay so this question is asked a lot and gets assumed a lot about witchcraft 'Don't witches worship the devil?' or 'Isn't witchcraft Satanic?' Absolutely not if some do then that is a personal choice that has nothing to do with witchcraft in any way. Witchcraft is about using nature and the resources around us to use in our spellwork.

Now one of the best advice i can give to you is research please please research before you do any type of spell work.

If you have any questions I can try to help you to the best of ability or if their topics that I can add i will just comment. Thank you

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