Holy Shit

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"holy shit,"

"i know right." Sam's eyes widen in shock as Chloe finishes the story. "and they said they're getting married in a week because it's 'true love',"

"wow," Sam sinks back into the leather chair, they had been sitting for half an hour talking about Chloe's cousin who just got engaged to his girlfriend of four months. well, everybody knew he was a spontaneous idiot but even this was a surprise.

safe to say his parents were mad and so were his grandparents and that made for a very exciting family reunion.

Sam opens her mouth, gesturing for Chloe to shoot the chicken nugget she was holding into her mouth.

"this is a waste of food,"

"five second rule, keep up,"

"not doing that,"

"please?" Chloe rolls her eyes and gets ready to throw the chicken nugget. she lets go, it flies in the air and hits Sam in the face. she laughs and picks the piece of chicken from her lap and eats it, a look of glee in her face.

both of them went to bed after finishing the fast food on their table. Sam faces away from Chloe, watching a puppy fall over himself on her phone, she smiles like an idiot at the cute video.

she feels a hand tapping her shoulder, "it's time for bed, stop using your phone,"

she turns around to face her friend. she grins, even though she Chloe wouldn't be able to see her face in the dark.



"what do you think true love feels like?"

"i don't know, maybe just, feeling content. looking at the person you love and sighing 'cause you know you'll love them forever and that you won't need anything else as long as they're beside you."

"pft, you're such a dork,"

"hey! you're the one who asked," Sam giggles at this, she holds onto Chloe's hands and beams.

"i hope i fall in love soon,"

"me too," Chloe lets put a sigh, letting go of her friend's hand. the both of them stay silent for a while before she breaks the silence, whispering a 'good night' to the girl beside her.

they got busy after that night, having no time for another sleepover, Chloe had to deal with her projects and Sam had to finish coding something for her job. they'd eat dinner together every once in a while, but they barely had time to have fun together. and she wasn't gonna lie, Sam really missed her friend.


"what's up?" she answers from the bathroom.

"do you know where our toaster went?"

"it's in the bath tub with me,"

"what?" Chloe sprints to the bathroom, ready to stop Sam from continuing with her antics and killing herself.

"kidding, it's in my bedroom, i've been living off of toast these past few days," the taller girl comes out, wiping her hair dry with a towel. she leads Chloe to her bedroom and hands her the missing appliance.

she ushers her out then closes the door on the other girl's face. she sits down at her desk, ready to get back to work, she barely tpuches the keyboard when she suddenly hears a loud knock.

Chloe's face greets her as she opens the door, she then gets dragged to the kitchen and forced to sit on one of the stools beside the counter. "you need to eat something other than toast,"

"no, i need to get back to my work," she tries to stand up but immediately sits down after Chloe glares at her from across the counter while mixing something in a bowl, Sam suspects that it's pancake batter.

the two eat the breakfast that Chloe prepared, bacon and pancakes, they got into a debate over which starter pokemon was the best and then they fought for the last piece of bacon.

it ended with them cutting it in half while Sam complained that there should've been an even number of bacon so they didn't have to fight in the first place which earned her a smack on the back of the head.

Sam hadn't felt like this in a while, relaxed and happy, she felt satisfied with what she had, and that was Chloe. she smiles as she walks back to her bed room. taking one last glance of the girl while she cleaned up in the kitchen.

and that was when she knew, it didn't really scare her or make her nervous, maybe that feeling would sink in later on, but for now, she was just in awe. because maybe, she was in love.

she sits down in front of her computer and breathes deeply, trying to calm her heart down, and quietly whispers out two words, "holy shit,"

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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