You Are My Home...

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A/N: I haven’t written Anastasia fanfics in a while!
What I WILL be doing for my Anatasia fics is trying to finish “Dreams of My Past (Rewritten)”. “In My Dreams, Shadows Call…” I just don’t know. I’ve neglected that fic for so long that I might have to shelve it and rewrite it because looking back… I think I can work on it and develop some ideas.
Based on the Tumblr prompt: Come Home. First person POV, Dmitri.

I sulked back as I sat on my suitcase, absorbing the sights of Paris one last time. I knew I should be heading to the train station right now as it was already late but… somehow, I couldn’t leave. I know it’s foolish and selfish but… I knew that Anya, no, Anastasia, would come to me… I don’t know where I would go, London, Rome… anywhere far from here, knowing I can’t be with her…
The sound of footsteps filled my ears before I looked up to see the woman. No, it can’t be… it’s impossible, princesses don’t marry street rats like me!
“If you ever see me from a carriage again, don’t wave, don’t smile…” I raised a hand to silence her “I don’t want to be in love with someone I can’t have for the rest of my life. Goodbye, Your Majesty.” I bowed before picking up my suitcase ignoring the cold ache in my chest.
“I always dreamed my first kiss would be in Paris with a handsome prince.” She finally spoke up. I stopped and turned to face the woman, eyes filled with determination and a regal aura surrounding her, with a command equal to that of any royal.
“I'm not your prince, Anya,” I averted my gaze as I continued walking away.
“The Grand Duchess Anastasia  Romanov would care to disagree!” She yanked the suitcase out of my hands and placed it on the floor, I stood there rooted in shock before she grabbed me and whispered into my ear “Dima,”
I blushed before her hands caressed my face and pulled me into a kiss. Her lips were so soft and warm… I wrapped my arms around her waist and electricity raced through my veins. So this is home, love and family, huh?
No words needed to be spoken as they softly separated. I gazed at Anya lovingly with a tender smile on my face. I didn’t need to say anything. I lifted Anya off from the ground and set her nimbly down, offering her my arm almost as if to say “Come home with me,”
As she took my hand, our eyes met and my heart fluttered in my chest.
All was well, Anya found what she was looking for and I found what I was looking for. I found her again from that crowd of thousands...
We were finally home.
Thanks so much for reading, come and geek out with me on Tumblr @gracie-p8officialblog or my Anastasia side-blog @dimasbeans

You are my home...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon