❛ Drunk ❜

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Hey you guys!
My first one shot x reader!
Please bear with me, English isn't my first language and I am not a good writer :')
Hope you enjoy the story nonetheless.

(Y/N) has been working as a detective for the Public Safety Bureau for a year, she loved to work alongside Akane Tsunemori, her superior. During all this time, she's developped feeling for her colleague Ginoza Nobuchika, she'd suggest to team up with him just so they could end up together alone.

However, due to the dangerous situations they've been through during missions, she could not afford to focus on her feelings.

She thought Ginoza was simply not interested in her in that way, but she planned on confessing her feelings nonetheless.

"Akane, how am I gonna do that? The only times we're alone is when we're about to catch criminals or when we're about to catch criminals." The (H/C) female sighed as she let her body slump on the couch.

"Jeez, don't be so dramatic..." Akane said, drinking her orange juice with a straw. "I have an idea!" She leaned towards her subordinate, making her sit up and evilly grinned at her.

"You're scaring me, Akane..."
"We could organize a little meeting at Ginoza's with Shinya and then me and him leave his flat earlier so you two could do very sinful stuff all alone!"

"Oh my God, shut up!" (Y/N) crossed her arms and pursed her lips, obviously not liking the idea.
"Hi Ginoza, yeah, are you free tomorrow night? Great! I'll tell you later. Byeeee!"

"Give me that!" The (H/C) female attempted to take the phone away from her superior, but she was already done. "Ugh."

Akane responded by sticking her tongue out. "Come ooooon! I had to do something or else you'd just whine about how daddy Ginoza isn't giving you attention." The short haired female teased.

"Ight i'mma head out."

"Text me when you get home!" Even though Akane was a tease whenever (Y/N) talked about her colleague, she was still a very caring friend, and she was thankful for that.

"Hey Shinya... I need you for my very next important mission."
"You sound so serious... Is everything okay?" Kougami said on the other end of the line.
"Hear me out..." Akane carried on explaining the plan after (Y/N) left her apartment.

Kougami just ended up laughing.
"I always knew she had a crush on him, just by her body language."
"Yeah alright we'll do that, bring a bottle of wine or something."

"I'll call Ginoza to tell him we'll see him tomorrow night. Alright, good night!"


"Oi Shinya!" (Y/N) greeted, she saw him standing at Ginoza's apartment door. "Have you just arrived?"
"Hey (Y/N), and I knocked." He couldn't contain himself from smiling.
"Okay tell me what Akane told you because I feel like a massive dumbass right now."
"Hah, nothing, don't worry." Kougami winked at the flustered female facing him.

"Good evening, you two, please come in!" The door opened to a soaked Ginoza, he was obviously showering, one towel was around his waist, and the other on his head.
"Ey, you don't need to flex your abs like that, look at the poor tomato head next to me." Kougami poked her forehead.

"Sorry, I'll get changed quick." He chuckled heading towards his room.
"You have high standards, tomato head." He whispered to her ear, and received a hit on the shoulder as a response. "Stop calling me that!"

Both her and the tall man removed their coats. "Yo (Y/N) can you- holy fuck..." He gasped at the sight in front of him.

"Akane what the hell...?" (Y/N) gasped seeing her superior show her the dress she bought.
"You'll wear that, it's cute and sexy."
Akane threw the dress on her.
"What...? No, it's really short and very tight... And my shoulders are gonna be exposed."

|Ginoza Nobuchika x Reader| One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now