Chapter 1

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     "Wake up y/n!" I'm slapped awake by a familiar frame. I sit up stretching,  and yawning.

     "Goodmorning Brendon" I say in a monotone voice annoyed by my friend waking me. She smiles at me, and hands me breakfast despite my grumpy tone. I eat the food rather quickly because it's my favorite.

    Me and Brendon have been friends for as long as I can remember. She's more like a sister or a mother to me. Ever since I lost my mother two years ago she has been here to cook for me and take care of me. I can't imagine life without her.

   "So today's your birthday!" She yells pulling a gift bag from behind her.
  " Oh my goodness Brendon I told you not to get me anything!" I say in a dramatic tone. I grab the bag opening it. It's the Michael Jackson Bad vinyl. A favorite of mine.

  "WHAT THE HECK OH MY GOODNESS BRENDON I'VE ALWAYS WANTED THIS THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I yell at her jumping up and down running to my player to turn it on. I turn around and hug her while squeaking as it starts to play.

  " Ok but there's alot more of stuff I'm gonna give you , but today, we are going out." She smiles with enthusiasm.

  "But-" She cuts me off as I frown.
" Nope we never go out, it's your birthday you're turning 21! We have to go drink!" She was already 22 and has been waiting for me to turn 21 so we could do this for so long. I smile in a agreement and go to get ready.

   I walk to the bathroom stripping myself to take a shower. I get out and put on a blue t shirt with a black skirt. I take my time to dry and straighten my hair.

  I bounce out of the bathroom meeting my excited friend.

  "First we have to go shopping! Let's go~" She exclaims. She grabs my hand pulling me to her car. The mall is not far from my home as I live right out of New York. As we drive down the busy streets I stare out the window. My attention is caught by a tall slim man. I can't help but stare. He almost seems unreal with his amazingly handsome feature's. Soon he is out of my vision, but I keep thinking about him. He looked so professional, and cold.

   " So y/n do you wanna stop, and get some coffee." Brendon says snapping me back to reality.
"Ew you know I HATE coffee Brendon." She laughs still pulling in to get her coffee anyways.
  We finally arrive to the mall. When I step out of the care I see someone who catches my eyes. As I look closer I notice it's the male from the side of the street. He's so intimidating, but so beautiful that I can't help but blush.
   "Y/n what are you looking at come on!" She yells at me startling me. I look at her smiling. "Let's go then."

  We enter the mall smelling the great food. The first store we go to is the bookstore. I quickly skip to the manga section seeing if they've gotten the newer issues of my favorite manga. I sigh in frustration seeing they still don't have it.
    "Y/n." I turn around to face Brendon. "Actually I preordered the new issues for you. I got them to be delivered here." She smiles and hands me the bag containing five issues.
" This is really to much why do you have to be so sweet." I hug her and she giggles. We turn around walking back into the lobby of the mall. I'm talking to her dazing off as we walk to the food court. I suddenly bump into a chest. I look up seeing the intimidating tall man from before.

   "Oh no I'm so sorry!" I yell starting to tear up. He laughs with a deep voice causing me to blush feeling even more embarrassed. "Please dont apoligize it's my fault too." He smiles so softly showing handsome soft dimples. His face and laugh causes me to melt. At this point I feel as if my face is completely red. "Are you ok though" he asks genuinely looking concerned. He's so much sweeter then I thought he would be. "I-im f-ffine thank y-you." I manage to say through my embarrassment. Then he just smiles and walks away.

  "Ok then. Let's go eat? " Brendon says with an akward tone. We finish our way to the food court. We go to my favorite chicken restaurant. I get Brendon to order, and go to find a place to sit. I hum impatiently waiting for my food.

  Brendon comes back not long later with our plates. I smile happily and begin to devour my food. " So we've been here for hours it's gonna turn dark soon. After we finish our foods we should go on to the bar and go home. I want to get home before night time." Brendon says in a serious tone. I agree and we leave. Soon later we arrive to the bar. It's a small building that smells of fries and beer. There's alot of lights and drunken old guys.
     "Dude why did you wanna take me here so bad."I say laughing. She just smiles in return walking me to the front. She orders me a drink ordering herself water. "Drink it!" She says smiling. I hesitantly put the cup to my mouth taking a sip. Instantly I gag spitting the contents back. I laugh, but decide to try it again. As I drink it more it gets a little easier. Soon I get used to it drinking it all. I already feel a little tipsy. "Do you want another drink."Brendon says smiling. "I-" I'm cut off by a familiar voice " What a coincidence." I turn around to see the same man. I smile at him, and see that he has a friend with him. Brendon turns and looks at them. "John Suh?" She asks in confusion. He looks at her smiling. " Wow when did you move back to New York. We need to catch up." She says in excitement. "I agree! I've been back for a few months. I never messaged because I didn't think you'd want to see me again. He says with a smile. Brendon looks at me "Johnny and me used to be really good friends." I smile at him " Hey I'm y/n." . "I'm Jae. You have a beautiful name." He smiles at me.

   Already I'm blushing mad his compliment sobering me. " Uh well it's night time so we should be leaving." Brendon says standing up.
"I'll walk you to your car." Johnny says smiling. We agree and I stand up beside Jae. The four of us walk out into the cold. The fresh air feels nice as it embraces me. We parked quite far away as there wasn't parking near the bar. Me and Jae talk for some time. His presence makes me feel warm even in the cold. Everything is so calm and nice.

   "I-" My words are cutt off by a cold cloth pressing against my face. All of the sudden I can't breath. Then everything goes black.

    Hi. I haven't wrote in so long so I'm sorry about mistakes and quality. But I hope you enjoy. I will get better I promise ^.^ thank you

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