Chapter 1- Introduction

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Chapter 1- Introduction

This morning I woke up with a splitting headache, I mean I guess it was from all of the Vodka I drank last night at Rachels Party. Rachel has a party every weekend, and they are the GREATEST PARTIES ever. My name is Faye Wolf, I have no siblings, my parents are both lawyers and are hella rich, they travel a lot, and they are never home, I have lived mostly by myself. It is fun, we live in the city in one HUGE Skyscraper. I do have a maid her name is Nina, and she is really nice. She has been my maid since I was 10 and needed someone to look after me, as my parents started to travel. My parents are currently in China, working for a lawyer department for a big case, although I dont know what it is. My Mum is 30 she has, blonde hair and blue eyes, her name is Christine, my Dad is 34, brown hair, and green eyes, his name is James, as that was his fathers name. I am currently 17 (Although it is my birthday in 24 hours) I have green eyes, strawberry blonde hair, I have the hourglass figure, and I have a big ass and cleavage. I attend Oak Forest all Girl School. "Faye Wolf get your head off of the table and pay attention" says a voice above me. I get my head off of the table and look into the eyes of Mrs Forest. Mrs Forest is my History teacher, she looks in her mid-50s, she is a short, plump woman, with one hell of a voice. "Sorry Ms" I say sitting up straight.

"Since you have slept half of my lesson, you have to write an Essay on World War 2"

"But Ms" I start to defend myself, but then my Principals voice booms through the speaker.

"Testing, Testing" says Ms Grave, my Principal. "As some of you know, last night some delinquents have burnt down Oak Forest Boy School" as Ms Grave says this, gasps are heard throughout the class of 28 students. Oak Forest Boy school is our brother school, and some of the hottest boys go there, especially Chance Golden. Chance Golden is the schools star football player, and is the Golden boy of the school, top marks, great football player, and he is popular. "Due to the school no longer being able to function properly, I am allowing the boys to attend here starting tomorrow, until their school is up and running, I hope you make them feel very welcome." After the Principal had finished talking, I look around and see most of the girls giggling, fanning themselves, and I think one girl is going to faint. DING. DING. DING.

"Ok class I will see you tomorrow. Miss Wolf, do not forget your essay tomorrow." Says Mrs Forest as I grab my books and leave. I walk down the student packed hallway to my locker. Locker number 28. As I get there, I see my best friend Charlotte waiting for me.

"Hey Char." I say as I put my locker combo in. Charlotte has been my best friend for 7 years. She is my neighbour and her parents are both doctors. Her parents love her to death, and when I go over there they never ask about my parents and they treat me as if I am their own child. Charlotte has light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Hey Faye, so what did you get in trouble for during history?" the reason she says this is that I am on my third suspension, one more wrong move and I am out of here. I am the schools bad girl.

"I head a killer headache from all the vodka last night, and Mrs Forest was boring me to death." I say as I put my books in my locker. "Did you hear about the boys coming here?" I ask

"Yeah, I am so excited. I wonder if Chance is going to be in our class?" she asks dreamily,

"I dont really mind. Are you still coming around for my birthday tomorrow?"

"Yes, but you have to drive us back to your house. Parents still do not trust me on the road."

"Yep, sounds good. Can you bring the snacks?"

"Yes, I sure can"


"UGH we spent all of recess talking by my locker again." I say pretending to be annoyed. We always do this, and I never get a smoke in,

"I try hard to keep us here." Says Char with a wink.

"Bye Char see ya later" Char and I have no lessons together at all. I grab my maths book and walk slowly to math class, trying to kill time. The rest of the day goes by in a flash, mostly as i slept every lesson, Whoops?! When the last lesson for the day finishes, I put my stuff in my locker, grab my bag, and walk towards my 4X4 Ford Drive. It is a great car, especially since Char and I go off road camping. I drive home on the busy streets, When I get home, I unlock the door and step inside to the smell of freshly baked cookies and chatter?

"Faye is that you?" Asks Nina, my maid, as she comes out of the kitchen wearing her apron and her hair up in a bun,

"Yes, Nina it is just me." I say as I put my bag down on the floor next to the coat rack. "Whos here?"

"Oh, your Mum and Dad arrived today."


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