Part 1

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So pretty much my evil father, Lucifer, visited earth fucked my mother and had me...
"How the fuck am I supposed to write a family tree when my Dad's the devil!" I shouted as if it was going to help my situation.
"Oh calm down with your daddy issues." my best friend Allyiah sarcastically remarked.
"Ya well if you were the daughter of the most evil creature known to ever exist I bet you would be pretty pissed too." I snapped back.
Hey i'm Echo and you guessed it my Dad's a dick. He raised me in Hell till I was two until grandpa god realized it wasn't such a good idea. He thought I would be my father's humanity or some shit like that, but he still is a complete asshole. Once I moved in with my mom I lived a pretty chill life besides my father being the devil and all, but then after I was told one thing my entire life turned upside down. I was told that I had some big destiny to become the next devil once my dad retired. Like have you ever heard of something so fucking stupid the devil retiring. Seriously the rules of nature make absolutely no sense I-
"Echo get your ass down here dinners done!" My mom shouted from downstairs
"Coming Mom." I shouted back then ran down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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