The Problem

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Now remember, this is my first fic so easy on me ok. The main ship in this will of coerce solangelo, but I might have some Jasper,Percabeth, I don't know u decide. I would love some comments if I mess something up, or some hints for anything I could do. None of these characters or pictures are mine, I get all my inspiration off other writers and uncle Rick. This story takes place during Christmas time (as u probably can tell) a long time after the three days, witch I'm sure u've read other fics of. There will be no smut but some fluff, and I'll let u figure out the situation between the boys while u read.
Thank you, please enjoy.

Nico's POV
(Right now Nico's just on a walk in CHB)

I hate the cold. I hate Christmas (sorry just felt right). And I certainly HATE Will Solace. He's been so annoying lately. Especially because he's sorta like my boyfriend I guess, but I don't know. Jason and Piper are 'routing' for us as a 'couple' witch annoys me because Will's playing along. It's Christmas time and I see the Aphrodite kids putting mistletoe every were. That's NOT a good sign for me. It's all snowy in camp, I sorta like it yet I don't. I see Thalia's tree gleaming in the sunlight. Gods I hate the sun, and his son. (haha pun)

But I guess Christmas isn't that bad. Although I haven't had a proper christmas since Bianca died. I remember her and I would always have special Christmas traditions each year. If only I knew back then to cherish those moments wile they lasted. This year I'm probity just going to spend it with Jason and Piper. Their a cute couple I guess. Although what if I end up spending Christmas with Will? No, thats impossible, just a stupid dream. Standing underneath the-NO! Why am I thinking of stuff like this. I sound like a stupid Aphrodite kid. UHG!

"Hey Nico!" I hear a voice behind me, it's Percy, schist. He must be on brake from school(the date is 12/17/14 by the way), I haven't talked to him sense I told him about my old crush on him.

"Oh, uh hey" I say as he runs up to me. "How you doing?" He asks. I suddenly feel awkward tension rising. "Um, ok I guess" I lied. I can't talk to him right now, I'm a wreck. With the things going on with Will, I don't need this guy to remind me that he's the reason I'm with Will. Wait I'm 'with' Will? "So...can I talk to u for a bit?" Suddenly Percy's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "OH! Um...well..." "Please, just for a little bit. I just want to talk" Oh gods, I don't know what to do! "Ok?" WAIT! WAHT! NO! "Great!" He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the Hade's cabin. Why are we going into my cabin?

Unfortunately I get my answer. When he opens the door I relies when he said HE wanted to talk I think he meant WE. Because when I see my room it's full of things I don't want in it; people. "Nico!" I hear Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, and Rayna say happily but suspiciously. I realize that Jason and Piper are the only ones I specifically talked to about me being gay so I guess that's why they weren't here. Hazel comes up to me and hugs me "its ok Nico, we're here for you" gods! I'm gay not blind! Percy then seats me in a chair.

"Hey buddy let's talk" Frank says. "Nico I want you to know that you can talk to us" Hazel adds. "You're in a safe place, Nico" Annabeth continues. "So come on, tell us, what's going on says Rayna. It was getting to uncomfortable I have to get out of here. Percy starts to say, "Nico it's ok to tell us you're-" "OH MY GODS GUYS!" I scream "STOP ACTING LIKE I'VE GOT SOME SORT OF DESISE! LIKE I'M SUTCH A BIG PROBLEM" "No Nico, it's just-" Hazel starts "NO! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I run out the door feeling like I mite cry.

Then the worst thing ever happens to me I run in to Will. And because I'm so stupid I rap my arms around him and just cry. Who am I?! And what am I even doing?! Am I the problem?!


Ok so this was my first chapter, it's short but I hope it was still a good start to the story. Most chapters will be like this, maybe longer if I have a lot of ideas, maybe shorter because I get writers block a lot. Please don't hate, I know I'm a bad speller and autocorrect isn't always the best. Because the chapters are short I'll try to upload 1-2 each day. I must worn you though, I LOVE leaving people at cliff hangers, sorta like that one. But I mostly did that because I didn't know what els to put. Well, hope u liked it.

-luv Sofia Di Angelo

Mistletoe Kisses (A Solangelo story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora