A journey back in time- one shot

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Bakugou and Deku had been together for about two years. They were the fighting couple notorious for there power moves and sync. They were often referred to as the wonder duo. The older much more experienced buffer Deku rolled over in bed to see his hot-headed boyfriend sleeping peacefully. 

Deku kissed him on the cheek and got off the dorm queen bed. They were in his dorm room. They were both in there third and final year of U.A. Deku took a quick shower and came back to a sleepy boyfriend. "Kacchan you awake." He said moving closer to the bed. He was met with a groan. "Kacchan it's time to get up." He cooed in his ear leaning over. "Five more minutes," Kacchan whined rolling to face Deku. 

Deku hopped on the bed sitting on his stomach. "babe we promised Kami and Kiri we would hang out with them today." Deku said well not moving from the angry Pomeranians torso. "Hey that's my name for you, pick something else," Katsuki said still not opening his eyes. "Fine daddy~" Katsuki's eye's shot open and immediately clicked with Deku's green lustful ones.

"Fine I'm up I'm up," Katsuki said throwing Deku to his side of the bed.  Deku laughed and waited patiently for him to change. When he came back in the room Deku linked his arm with Katsuki's walking through the door.

They went to the common room and saw Kami and Kiri tangled together on the couch both on their own phones. "Hey, shitty hair dunce face you ready," Bakugou said. They looked up from there devices at the two boys standing there. "Yeah is it cool if Todoroki tags along, he wanted to spend the day with Zuku and I felt bad for taking him away," Kirishima asked. 

"Why should I care," is all Katsuki said back. They texted Todoroki and waited for him to come down. When he arrived they were off to the mall. "So guys we should head straight to hot topic," Kaminari said jumping with excitement bringing a smile to shark boys face. 

"That sounds fitting I can get some Ground Zero merch there." Deku teased. "I know I can't believe they have merch of us, there mostly stocked with Ground Zero, Shoto, and Deku merch though." Kirishima pouted. "I bought a red riot hat yesterday," Kami said trying to cheer his boyfriend up. It worked incredibly because a huge smile spread across Kiri's face. 

They were in the middle of talking and didn't notice a nearby man eavesdropping on their conversation. He recognized them almost immediately they had amazing popularity but in this case, it wasn't so special. The eavesdropped happened to be no other than a villain known for his stealthy, and sneaky robberies. 

Even if the group of boys did see him it wouldn't help anything because one had come face to face with this villain. They didn't even know his quirk but that would all change in just a second. The man was about to rob the ATM's in the mall, but with these stupid hero's were here that wouldn't give him enough time to escape without being seen. 

He thought over his choices well still listening in on their conversation. His quirk was time travel. He could send people forward and backward in time but it wasn't strong enough to send you too far maybe 6-7 years but that was at his best. Right now he was tired and kinda pissed off at the change of events. 

He had to get close enough to touch the kids before he could open the portal so he went with his other idea. He decided to start a conversation. "Hello, I have seen you on the news." He said interrupting Izuku's rant about his cool Ground Zero socks he found. "Oh, nice to meet you," Izuku said being the more outgoing one in the group. 

Izuku stuck out his hand giving the villain a perfect opening for skin contact. He took it activating his quirk. The kids didn't seem to notice so he was safe for now. He shook all their hands except for one Katsuki Bakugou who didn't have the patience to deal with people first thing in the morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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