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Atlanta was just one of those girls, you might not immediatly notice, but once you get to know her, you won't get her out of your head.

She is beautiful with her wavy dark brown hair, that goes down till her waist, her light blue and green eyes, which start to sparkle, whenever she is excited or happy.

Her light skin with dozens of freckles on, which every girl wishes for. She is stunning, without makeup, which she doesn't wear because she doesn't like the feel of it.

She wears nothing that's outstanding, but somehow still manages to look as beautiful as ever.

Her whole face lits up with her smile, which she only shows to a few things and people she cares about. Not that she isn't friendly, but she just doesn't let everyone to close. She likes to have a small group she can trust.

She loves Poetry, she writes and reads all day. And even though she won't ever admit it, secretly she wishes for a tragic dramatic lovestory. She never had a boyfriend but the books give her the feeling of it.

She feels misunderstood from most of the people around her. She doesn't have social media, thinking it's toxic. She judges no one because of nothing, because she always wants to know the person first.

She loves her friends, even if it's only a handful. They sometimes don't understand her, but that's okay.

When dhe is going to finish school, she wants to travel the world and write about it. She has no idea what her profession is going to be.

She is really interested in photography, even though she doesn't post the pictures.

One thing, she also loves is astrology, looking at stars and star signs and interpreting them. Reading about them, that gives her that sparkle in her eyes.

Her pictures and her poetry are deep, she is a deeply thinking person. Only talks, when she is sure about what to say. Very confident, but never needs to be the center of attention.

She doesn't label herself as anything and always saud that if she would fall in love, she would not restrict herself on gender or race or anything like that. She cares about the person behind it.

She really cares about world issues too. Fromt row protester is usually her. Her parents sometimes don't really know, what to do with her.

Their minds are not so free. Her mother is a nurse and her father is a lawyer, they are typical and they like it that way. She doesn't.

She always finds beauty in small things and makes other people smile, beacuse of her whole personality.

She alawys says, shewas born to change the world and she lived by that.

Key aesthetic words;
darkblue, starsky, silver, old books, simplistic, natural, protests, photography, travel, superstition, light, inspiring, musunderstood, unnoticed, happy

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