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Hey there, it's the writer.

Thank you for reading this note.

It's a journey of mine in battling with severe bipolar disorder during my diploma years. During the battle, I wrote a lot in my notebook to suppress my disoriented mind and chaotic soul. Surprisingly, my peers were really supportive and they had never let me down whenever I relapse.

I know that I used to publish those writings, and suddenly went hiatus for no reason. God is good, He still believes in me that I can pull this fight off on my own. Therefore, I decided to find and publish all of my writings for you to read; to encourage that you are not alone in this battle. I'm here with you to support and give all the love you wanted.

Before you started reading, keep in mind that these poems are solely come from my heart during the relapse, hence the dark messages. It might trigger you, so keep it cautious.

Thank you once again. Love, Ezra.

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