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Hey everybody!
If you are actually reading this story please bare with me, as this is the first story I have actually ever even thought about writing. Before we start the story I just want to give a little background on the characters we will encounter (the big important ones), and the ideas behind this story.
Before we get too far into it, yes this is a fanfic. Sorry. I also want to include in here that while a lot of the book will be "tween" appropriate, I am a HUGE detail person so some chapters or instances may be inappropriate for young readers. I will try to give an appropriate warning before hand.
So with that being said, let's begin the background shall we?

In this story there will be sadness, tears, and heartbreak. But there will also be, love, joy and happiness. This is the story of a girl named Jocelyn who moves from a small town in Indiana to the big city of LA to pursue her dreams of become an actress. When she arrives everything is going just fine until she goes to the local coffee shop she heard about from her roommate and best friend Payton, and sees the one thing that could take her life and turn it upside down, and his name is Tyler. While she keeps her family up to date on the new life she's living she always leaves out one small detail. Him. That is until she needs somebody to turn to and her mom is the only one able give the advise Jocelyn desires.

Now, let's begin the story.

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