Today's the day

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Adam's POV

Today is the first day of summer from middle school. I finally get to do what I want. Playing minecraft
with my bros. We decided to meet at the fountain with our computers. As we walked there I heard Ty scream. I turned around and only saw Jason. "Ty!" I screamed. Jason told me to just go because he probably went home from a stubbed toe. We kept walking till I heard Jason scream. I turned around to see I was all by myself. Then as I started to walk faster a bag flew over my head. A body bag. I decide to fall asleep because it was gonna be a long ride. ~dream~
I was walking out of bed to the smell if bacon. I heard Ty talking but when I got there there was a stranger with a body bag.
-end of dream-
I woke up in a capsule. A huge capsule that could fit maybe, 3 people. Then gas filled it and knocked me out.When I woke up I felt different. There was a mirror in front of me and I saw myself. They had mutated me into herobrine.
Ty's POV and time skip to capsule.
I was in a huge case and gas filled it. It made my sleepy but I fought it of. There were people talking and fighting. One said "If we give him to much he will die!" The other said "Fine, he will have to go on awake." They took me out and handcuffed me. they took me to a room with a lab table. I laid down and something shot into my arm. I screamed in pain as my back arms and basically everything felt horrid. They took me to a room with a mirror as I looked at myself. They made my the enderdragon.
Jason's POV time skip.

I looked in the mirror as I looked at everything different. they made me the wither, I thought.

-author's note-
Hey guys huge writers block plz help me! I won't update chapter 2 until 1/16/15 because I will be with family. BTW if you want to be in the story give a name, eye color, hybrid, and that's it.

Goodbye my lovelies!

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