Will you?

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Author POV:

For some, life may seem boring, routine is a weapon that kills the person slowly, no one wish for such a life but sometimes, deep down you wish you had that.

A life where your day start with an unhealthy breakfast, a run to the school because you woke up late after a night of a movies marathon, and a day where you come back to meet your parents.

A life , without secrets, without mystery, without anything exceptionnel, but you got something completely different, Your life is a bitter coffee, a cold coffee in a freezing winter night,the kind of coffee you never wished to get. Actually you like coffee but a hot sweet coffee. the sarcastic part is talking.

Many will find it easier to commit suicide or to drown in depression if they had just 24 hours in you life but you was not everyone and you had to live, you promised yourself to live, to successed and to make your parents ,who surely are watching me from above, proud of you.

Following a fatal accident, you did not only lost your parents but you acquired a handicap that made you stranger in this world of humans more or less compliant.

You lost you steady life, to end up alone and abnormal, god decided to take you parents away, Everyone say good people leave first and that's what happened, your parents are not here anymore. In exchange you have gained that thing, people will call it benefit when they hear the story about it, but you always thought it was a bad luck in disguse.

Doctors believe its a mircale you survived but no matter how much you tried to explain to them your situation, no one could believe it, so they just said, you were mentally sick or in more empathic words, shocked.

You got, how do we call it some sort of telepathy, oh no no it's some sort of privacy invasion that you didn't ask for.

You the person who loved to mind her own business.
Sadly you could read minds without any effort, you just need to be around someone and you aleardy know the bullshit that travel their mind. GREAT !

Your parents's death was the beginning of hardships, you were young and broke and of course you could not afford to continue my life unless you worked. Working as itself was not an issue but what will you do as a job when you hate having a boss?

At the beginning, you had no choice but to jingle between two to three jobs and university of course because you promised your mom you will get that 'stupid' diploma.

Yet you were still a young girl who just celebrated her 23 years. And with that stupid handicap you gained after the accident, the perverted thoughts of your boss can not pass un-noticed and because of your big mouth, here you go again fired from your 3rd job just this month.

Sitting on a the bus station, headphones plugged in, listening to one of your favorite song ' si j'étais un homme'. In today's society, you know it would have been easier if you were a man in many different way.

Suddnely a notification came up in your phone, "Bighit is recruting, we are looking for a responsible person, young, motivated and speaking different language is a bonus" is that a call center again, no way I am doing that again, you thought to yourself. But continued reading nonthless, curious to check the annual salary. And you were shocked "100k dollars per year" which mean more than 5k per month that's more money than all the part-time jobs can offer.  in one year you will be able to get your OWN nail shop.

You were a creative person, you have that artistic nature in you. You always had a dream of having your own shop and since you loved being a nail artist. This combo was perfect for you but since the accident, your whole life stopped.

Yet you have a chance NOW, will you take it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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