Chapter 1

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Yeji walked down the hallway, filled with student waiting for their next class. Eyes are stares were automatically landed on her as she walked down the tiny hallway.

"Hey, that's the weird girl right?" "Yeah, look at her eyes. It's blue!" "I heard she had it since birth." "Must be an illness or something." "And I heard she had no parents."

Yeji's expression remains cold. Yeji went to the restroom. She placed her bag on the counter. *I should put them on earlier.* she carefully wear her contact lens, covering her abnormal blue eyes. *Can't do much with the hair though.* she thought as she looked at the cap in her bag. No caps are allowed during class session.

She looked at her reflection before she consciously touched her hair. A small part of her hair, she had it dark blue. She tried to dye it black again but the blue since to be reappeared again. She ended up leaving her hair as it is. Though it is dark blue, it fails to stay hidden from people.

She sighed, "Let's face today like yesterday, Ko Yeji." She said to herself before she walked out from the restroom and headed to her next class.

In class, she basically has no friend. Yes she has some that talked to her during group project but that's just it. They are not closely attached to her, not that she mined. At least her classmate are kind enough not to ditch her or call her with names.

She sat next to one of her classmate.

"Hey Yeji. How's your morning?" she asked Yeji.

"Good." Yeji answered halfheartedly. "Did you get called with names again?" her friend asked. Yeji just shook her head. "But I heard whispers." Her friend shook her head, "They shouldn't do that. You are still a human like us. Yes, you have different eyes color but that what makes you beautiful."

Yeji silently scoffed, "Beautiful huh? I am no beautiful."

Just before her friend could answer, Yeji's phone vibrated; indicating an incoming text message.

"Today meeting is on as usual. I see you in my room-Dr..J"

*right, today is Tuesday. I have meeting with him.* she thought before she kept her phone away when her lecturer entered the class.

At two in the evening, Yei rushed to another building to see her supervisor.

She knocked on the door.

"Come in." a voice softly called from inside.

Yeji carefully opened the door, revealing a good-looking man in his late 20s. The man turned to look at the door. "Ko Yeji, please come in. I've been waiting for you." the man got up.

Yeji took off her shoes, walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

"How are you doing last week, Yeji?" he asked. Yeji nodded. "I finally get to crawl the data I needed." Yeji answered.

The man laughed, "I wasn't asking about your final year project, Yeji. I was asking about you. Are you eating well?" he asked.

"Oh. I'm doing good, Dr. Jungkook" Yeji nodded. Jungkook smiled as he walked to switch on his projector. "Good to hear that. Now should we see your progress?" Jungkook smiled to her.

The meeting went on for about two and a half hour, like usual. Yeji finally kept her laptop in her bag. "So what's your plan for tonight, Yeji ssi?" Jungkook asked her student. "Probably get some work done, a movie then sleep." Yeji told him.

Jungkook looked at her, "You should go out for some fun Yeji." He suggested. "You are not young forever. Go out and enjoy your life." Yeji shook her head. "No, thanks. I should be going now. Go home early, Dr.. Your wife must be waiting for you at home." Yeji said.

She knows he's a married guy the moment she say the ring on his finger but weird enough, there's no single picture of him and his wife in his room.

Jungkook smiled, "Maybe I should." Yeji got up and bowed to him. "See you on the next meeting, Dr.." "See you, Yeji." Jungkook nodded. He watched her as she exited the room. Jungkook sighed heavily, *Let's go home, Jeon Jungkook.*

Yeji stays in a single room with bathroom inside. Yes the fee is quite expensive per day but she manage to pay the fee; including the residential fee and study fee on her own. By the time she decided to leave the orphanage when she's 18, she already establish her online business. So she had enough to continue her study, which she did.

She stopped typing in her laptop. She got up and did a little stretching.

"You should go out for some fun Yeji."

She suddenly remembered Jungkook's words.

*should I?* she thought as she looked at her car key. She sighed before she changed into her jeans and grabbed onto her hoodie.

She went down her blocked and went to her second-hand car which she parked across the road. Yeji turned on the engine and turned on the light and was surprise to find something standing in front of her car.

Yeji frowned, "A dog?" she looked at the dog-like creature. She looked at it closely and gasped before she quickly locked her door. *that's a wolf!*

She quickly changed the gear to R and started to leave the parking lot. "What did a wolf doing here?! This is dangerous! I should report it to the office tomorrow." Yeji told herself.

Yeji drove out from the university area and headed to the place she always spent her time alone; the sea.

Yes, the sea. Her university is 20 minutes away to the town which is near to the sea. They could see the land of the neighboring country.

She parked the car of the side of the road and turned off the engine after lowering the windows for ventilation.

Yeji let out a heavy sighed. She smiled to herself. She really liked the smell of the air that night. The smell of the sea somehow calms her each time. She spent the next 3 hours in her car with only the sound of the wave gently smashed against the fortress and the sounds of vehicles passing by on the road.

Just then a group of bikers parked their bikes few meters away behind her car.

She groaned in annoyance. She checked the time. *half past three? I should really go.* she then started her car engine but it didn't work. She tried it one more time and it still didn't work. Yeji let out a loud groan again. *just why, car? At time like this?* with a heavy sighed, she got out from her car and went to the front of the car to check on the engine.

After checking on everything, she sighed.

"Everything's good miss?" a man suddenly approached her. Judging from his clothing, Yeji assumed he's one of the bikers.

She nodded silently.

"Woah! You have nice eyes! By the way, I'm Guhyeon. Nice to meet you." the man's hand reached out for a handshake but Yeji kept her hand to herself.

"Hey, come on. I give you my name you should give yours too. We may hang out together after this." The man nestled her but Yeji was quick to take few steps back.

"Hey, don't be afraid. I just want to know you."

Just then another figure stood between them and the appearance of that figure brought surprise to Yeji.

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