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It's been more than a month since the letter arrived from the Oletus Manor. It's been a bit more than a month since she read the letter that wasn't supposed to be hers. It's been a month since she took her opportunity to come to this manor. And it hasn't even been one month since she started playing this game of the manor.

That game wasn't exactly what Vera remembered in her letter back then. There was supposed to be a big prize for the participation in this game. Something, Vera just couldn't have declined. Not on the peak of her almost success with her last perfume. The prize would have been the perfect help to finish her accomplishment.
And the only thing she had to do, was to play a fun game.
But she never expected this game to be so cruel and hurtful.
The last few weeks she'd been waiting in a room, always with three other people, sometimes even the same people, just to be sent to a place where you would get locked up with a hunter.
She'd spent hours working on weird ciphers that had to be decoded in order to escape from the place, from the hunter.
She'd spent nights, outside, in the cold snow, hurt and in great fear of being discovered and hunted down by the killer.
Vera realized that this game she had to play over and over again wasn't a fun game at all.
She was locked up in a prison manor and forced to play along with other people who came to the manor for similar reasons.

Diary Entry of Vera
The despair between the manor visitors was great. Almost every night someone would go crazy or come back from the game totally traumatized. The people who got hunted down only came back two days after the game, almost half dead. Luckily, there was Emily Dyer, a doctor who had been of great help until now. She seemed to be also one of the first people who came to manor. She was friends with a cute little gardener, Emma Woods, who had a bit of a crazy and bright innocent mind. Alongside these two there is a lawyer and a thief(very concerning!) who seem to be one of the earlier manor visitors. But both of those are creepy.
There is also more than a handful of other people in the manor who I haven't all met yet. But to be honest, I don't if I am looking forward to meet more of them. Most of them are pretty weird.
Also, I can't understand why Vera got this invitation. What could she have possibly done to receive a letter like this? Is there something I don't know about her? I hope to find an answer here, maybe, one day.

As the days in the manor passed, she got to know a lot of new people there. A few of them seemed rather like the special kind of people you wouldn't meet on a daily basis while there were also people who were just completely average. The perfumer herself on the outside surely seemed to be one of the normal people aswell, not taking certain events from the past into her story while introducing herself. In the manor, people saw her potential as being a great distraction for the hunter to gain more time to decode. Vera did appreciate that but it doesn't make it any easier for her to run away from a hunter she feared very much. Her only weapon was the perfume she brought into the manor. It would help her escape a few hits from the hunter but it wouldn't last for too long. Her worst fear, being on a rocket chair, would give her absolute nightmares. Until now she had been able to dodge the chair but god knows how long this luck will last. Everyone who had been on a rocket chair was dead silent about it. They couldn't tell you what was gonna happened and that's what Vera feared the most.
In the manor, she had been given her own room like everyone else. There was no certain order of the rooms but she was given a room at the end of a long corridor which was the last one available on that floor. The room seemed pretty cold and dark, just like the whole manor. On one hand she was thankful to have her own space but on the other hand, she never intended to stay this long. She wanted to escape the manor and stop playing the game. But once she had arrived, there was no choice left for her. She was like the other manor visitors a mannequin of the manor lord, who would sent every night a game invitation letter to four people, not giving them a choice about their participation.

𝓓𝓲𝓻𝓽𝔂 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓼 [𝓝𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷 𝔁 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓪]Where stories live. Discover now