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Law was irritated. Very much so because Doffy, as Law likes to call him, had forced him to move back to Grand Line. He was doing great in England, passing all his tests for his medical studies. He was striving to be a surgeon and attending one of the best medical universities in London, just to be forced back to Grand Line. He does like Grand Line, don't get him wrong. It was a quaint place both big and small. Everybody knew everybody so it's hard to get lost or avoid someone without meeting at least once or twice. But Law was still irritated. He was known as the Surgeon of Death there because of something that happened one summer, but that was the least of his concerns. His concern is that he was not only forced but rushed to move back when he was almost finished with university. He only had to finished his last year and he definitely would have came back to Grand Line of his own free will but now he had to finish his last year here.

The day after tomorrow Law would be attending his first, aka his last, year of GrandLine University. He was currently walking along the coast, the waters calm and the sun touching the horizon. He sat on the sand and stared at the setting sun, stuck in his thoughts and thinking of ways to get back at Doffy. Suddenly the water began bubbling up and a girl broke surface. She began taking in as much air as she could before she sunk. Law's eyes widened in shock; "If she can't swim then why the f*ck would she go in the ocean." He quickly took off his hood, shirt and shoes before jumping into the water for the weird girl. Spotting her, he swam towards her and wrapped his arm her waist before breaking surface. She desperately held on to him and coughed out some water. Law sighed and swam to the shore. She was still holding onto him while muttering something under her breath. She sounded frustrated. He placed her on the sand and plopped down beside her. "Here... before you catch a cold or something.." He muttered giving her his hoodie while his eyes stayed glued to the ocean in front of them.

"Thanks for saving me!" Now she sounded energetic instead of scared or angry, like he thought she would have been. Law turned to look at her, cold gray eyes met warm hazel eyes. She wore a big smile on her face, that had his damn heart doing things it shouldn't. "Why were you in the water anyway if you can't swim..?" Law grumbled turning away from her with his tail laying flat on the sand, moving every couple seconds or so. For a while the girl didn't say anything so Law turned back to look at her. She had a somber look on her face and was looking at the ocean while hugging her knees to her chest. His hoodie was to big for her so the sleeves were covering her hands and the hoodie itself reached at her thighs, making others wonder if she had anything on under. "I.. I like the ocean." She muttered. "But my family, especially my brothers who are super overprotective, wouldn't bring me to the ocean or teach me to swim. They threatened my friends that if they bring me or teach me, they'd teach them a lesson. I know they're worried, but I could protect myself. So, I sneak off every Sunday afternoon to learn on my own." Law felt sympathy for her, he liked the ocean too. Almost as much as he wanted to be a surgeon. And if he'd been told he couldn't come to the beach, he'd be pissed. It calmed him down at times, which is why he came there today. And before he could think, Law had spoke; "I could teach you." She turned to him with a shocked look and the ears on her head turned up, her tail lifted up too. How he hadn't noticed it before, baffled him.

Law heard about this weird development that happened in his first year in London. It was when a meteor that was so close to Earth had narrowly missed. Then after that, people all around the world had changed to animals. He couldn't believe it when he got a call from his childhood friend Bepo, who was already large in size, was now a polar bear. He still spoke and wore clothes like any other person, except he was a polar bear. There are some who permanently turn into animals and some who still have their human characteristics with the exception of animal ears or the tail or the feathers or scales. After about six months, humanity had gotten used to the weird occurrences but scientists are still struggling to find out what exactly brought about the change. He got caught in the damned thing too, so now he had a snow leopard's ears and tail. He guessed the unknown female was a fox, judging by her fluffy tail.

"REALLY!?" She shouted in excitement. She held onto Law's arm with stars in her eyes, her tail flickering back and forth. "Yeah, yeah. Calm down." Law said trying to push her away, she was too close. Then she squeezed herself into his lap and grinned at him. He was glad that nobody was on the beach because it would look so bad if they saw them like this. She came closer and Law's tail spiked up and his ears went up as he backed away from her. Her tail moved leisurely and her ears were up. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Law's whole body tensed. He's been hugged before but he could never get used to it, especially since he never liked anyone in his personal space. "Thank you." She whispered against his chest. Law was startled before he relaxed. He lifted his hand and petted her head, which had her tail moving in happiness.

After a while, Law pulled his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie. He turned on his phone and checked the time. "I've been here for more than an hour!" The girl gasped while staring at the digital clock on his phone. She scrambled off Law's lap and slipped off his hoodie. She had on a yellow shirt and blue jean shorts, her shoes no where to be seen. Law took that as his cue to leave so he got up and put back on his shirt, hoodie and shoes. But before he could leave, she grabbed his hand. "My name's Monkey D. Luffy." She said seriously while looking into his eyes. Law stared at her before he chuckled. He turned to her and she let go of his hand. "Trafalgar D. Water Law." Law said with a smirk. She pursed her lips before her eyes widened and a bright smile spread onto her face. "Torao!" She stated proudly. Before Law could oppose to the name, the girl named Luffy turned on her heel and began running away. "See you later, Torao!!" She shouted before continuing her sprint. Law blinked at her fading figure before chuckling and turning to walk away with his hands shoved in his pant pockets.

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