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"Thanks again for the oran berries Carracosta," said Nuzleaf as the two pokemon crossed the bridge to their homes.

"No trouble at all, Nuzleaf," said Carracosta with a wave of his flipper. "After everything that's happened in the past few months, you could use a bit of good luck."

"Y....yeah," muttered Nuzleaf suddenly feeling a pit in his stomach He clutched at the bag that held the oran berries. Sure he could use some good luck, but that didn't mean he deserved it. Not after everything.

"You alright there Nuzleaf?" asked Carracosta. "You look pale."

"I'm fine," said Nuzleaf, then looked at Carracosta with a smile. "I reckon I'm just tired."

Carracosta nodded.

"Well, alright. I would get some rest then. The kids will be visiting tomorrow right? Don't want to worry Autumn do we?"

Nuzleaf let out a half-hearted chuckle. Carracosta gave him a concerned look. He placed his flipper on Nuzleaf's shoulder. Nuzleaf flinched at his touch.

"You know, you can talk to me anytime right. I'll listen."

Nuzleaf could only nod, but Carracosta seemed satisfied for now.

"Alright then. See you later?"

"Right, see ya," said Nuzleaf as they went into their respective houses.

Nuzleaf let out a sigh, and began to store his berries away and was soon lost in his own thoughts.

He still had no idea how Carracosta was able to talk to him like nothing happened. It has been going on for four months now since the whole Dark Matter incident, yet Carracosta – and everyone in Serene Village for that matter – have yet to throw him aside as he expected. They were being...nice to him. Why? After everything he did, why were they acting like he simply spilt oran berry juice? He felt awkward and...wary around everyone. Especially around a certain little Fennekin. Not long ago, Nuzleaf was able to help Autumn get her partner back, but even now he's barely able to look her in the eye.

Autumn was definitely something special. While she can be a little sassy at times, and a bit of a daydreamer, she does have a considerate heart and was always willing to help if a friend had a problem. She doesn't do things by halves. When there was a job to do she puts her very soul into getting it done. Autumn has always been like that from the moment he met her. He had gotten to know the little fox pokemon and grew quite fond of her...almost like a...

Nuzleaf shook his head violently.

No! Don't think about that! She'll never see you that after what you gone and did.

He sighed.

Not that it matters, once what I did hits home they'll...leave and forget about me. I'll be alone like always.

"Hey, Nuzleaf!"

Nuzleaf let out a yelp. His jolt sent the oran berries flying. A couple landing on his head. Hearing a stifled giggle behind him, Nuzleaf turned around to see the subject of his thoughts standing by the doorway looking a tad sheepish.

"Consarn it, child, you darn near gave me a heart attack!" he cried.


The fox pokemon came in and helped Nuzleaf pick up the oran berries.

"You're mighty early," Nuzleaf told Autumn. "I thought you and your little Chespin friend weren't comin' til tomorrow."

Autumn sighed and looked up at Nuzleaf

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