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Dear ______

We have known each other for years but I was never able to make out wat I felt. I'm a little over due but I still want you to know this because YOU ARE MY FIRST LOVE . I still remember the first time we went out with our family's together. I remember the day it was just me ,you ,and our dads . We got hungry so we went to a little store and I got a soda you got chips. We were just eating then we looked at each other and we just smiled at ourselves. Then we traded our stuff. We then just went to our house. We were like six or seven at the time . But a year later something happened to me and it changed me but not my feelings for you. You helped me without knowing. You got me to face my phobia and you helped me last longer, much more than I thought possible. I wish I could have told you this before but I was scared of losing you because it wasn't the first time. I don't know if this would have change how we are now if better or worse. I don't know if you will ever see this if you do  I want you to know that ..........


even if people say I'm too young to know what love is with what I have gone through for 17 years I know how love feels and that's how I feel about you and I always will



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