chapter 1

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*I'll be using 'dyn' not "mando' sorry for bad grammar and spelling . I've started to write again*


Dyn lands on a planet called Faccur. When he gets to a village, all what he could see, is black smoke and fire, he can also smell the stench that is burned wood and death. As Dyn walked along the rocky paths. He heard sobbing, Dyn followed the sound until he saw a figure huddled over, the figure was brown haired and pale. Dyn asked " Hello? " The little figure looked towards Dyn with blood shot, puffy eyes, and he could see now that the figure was a young girl who couldn't be much older than 4 years old,she replied with "H-hi".

*time skip as I'm rubbish with people introducing themselves*

Dyn found out about what happened to the little village. Ex imperials who became bounty hunters were taking their crops and their money. The villagers didn't have enough money to pay them so the ex- imperials destroyed it. He also found out that the little human girl was the only survivor and that she just recently turned 4 years old and her name is "Caoimhe" (Pronounced like 'kwee-va'). They were on the way back to the Razor crest but as Caoimhe was young she started to get tired , she asked Him " Dyn I'm getting tired,can you carry me? " Dyn replied with " Sure I can carry you little 'un". He crouched down so Caoimhe could get in his beskar covered back. After an hour Caoimhe fell asleep.

When the sun started to set she started to breathe heavily, and started to cry repeating "no, no please don't die... I love you". Dyn moved her off his back and moved his chest plate and held her to his chest so her head was by his heart and cradled her and whispered calmly "hey Caoimhe it's just a nightmare wake up." She woke up and looked up at Dyn through blurry eyes and hugging him with her head in between his neck and shoulder and whispered "I miss them so much Dyn" Caoimhe started to cry again.

Dyn did something that he didn't think he would do. He stood up with a now exhausted Caoimhe and carried her against his chest while holding his chest plate.

I think that's a good place to stop to on this chapter, I hope you liked it and you don't want to kill me for not including baby Yoda but I just wanted to write something that a different child will get attention from Dyn and not baby Yoda.

Ahsokatanosnips_fan out

child of war (mando x young child) *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now