Author's note

16 10 2

Are you doing fine?
Is there bothering you inside?
Are you feeling lonely?
Or are you feeling emty?
Are you feeling insecure?
and are you not contented?
Do you still have doubts in
your minds?
Do you think you are not enough?

Well dear this is for you.

Ladies, you are precious.
You are beautifully made.
Each and every single woman is A precious gem
Who are worth to be loved.

Continue reading....

know your worth

Continue dreaming...

love yourself.

and Accept your present self.

Acceptance, is the key to inner peace and self love. Accept you, your situation and the way you live, to love yourself, value yourself and discover your worth. Mooww

;This have different parts,different stories, about different girls with different situations,.but the same aiming which is "to be loved"..

Read and be inspired,
spread positivity and love.

-ur lazy author.

4 STEPS TO ACCEPTANCE Where stories live. Discover now