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Sophie walked hastily towards the kitchen, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. The rest of the shadowhunters left for the evening to attend the annual ball held by the Lightwoods. Of course, there were many disputes over whether they should go or not, especially since William was adamant over not going, but Charlotte had insisted that they ought to at least make an appearance for the "sake of formality" as she had put it. So it was just her, Bridget and Cyril that were left to occupy the Institute. The other two were outside, tending to the grounds, so it was only, really Sophie. Sophie reached the kitchen doors, and pushed her way through, only to stop in her tracks. Standing there, with his back to her, was Gideon, examining the stove. A startled gasp escaped Sophie's lips, causing Gideon to whirl around.

"Sophie," he said, stepping forwards.

"Mr. Lightwood, what are you doing here?" Sophie exclaimed, taking a step back, aware of the fact that she was very much alone with a man and no one to hear her should anything happen. Gideon must have realized what this looked like and stopped advancing, holding up his hands, as a way to show he didn't mean any harm.

"Sophie, how many times have I asked you to call me Gideon?" he chuckled.

"Mr. Lightwood, I would appreciate it if you would address me as Miss Collins," she responded, praying that her fear didn't slip between her words.

"My apologies, Miss Collins."

"You still haven't answered my question, Mr. Lightwood," Sophie pointed out, as Gideon turned his attention to the floor. When he didn't say anything, she pressed on, "Why are you standing in the middle of the Branwells' kitchen instead of being at your ball?"

After a moment of silence, Gideon raised his head and spoke up, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "Because I wanted to see you."

Sophie's eyes widened. "I beg your pardon? Mr. Lightwood, this is very inappropriate."

He simply looked at her with something in his eyes that Sophie couldn't quite place; it almost seemed as if he was silently pleading her, but of what, Sophie had no idea.

"You're right. I shouldn't have come," he muttered. Sophie expected him to leave, but he didn't move.

"Well you're already here, Mr. Lightwood. Would you care for some tea?" At this, Gideon's face lit up, his mouth breaking into a grin.

"I would like that very much, Soph- Miss Collins," he quickly corrected himself. Gideon pushed back his sandy blonde hair, and looked at her sheepishly. Sophie walked around him and began boiling water in the kettle on the counter.

"Would you like some scones as well?" Sophie added, turning around with a platter of scones in her hands, only to bump into Gideon. He had come up right behind her, and was watching her as she prepared his snack. Sophie locked eyes with the man, and he smiled kindly. She was trapped between Gideon and the counter, and all she could do was quickly avert her gaze from his.

"Mr. L-L-Lightwood," Sophie stammered, heat crawling up her neck and spreading over her face. She thought about how her scar must have looked at that moment; red, and puffy and horrifying, and she began to blush even more deeply.

"I don't like scones very much, Miss Collins," Gideon replied, the grin never slipping from his face.

Sophie tried to look anywhere but his face, his handsome, perfectly carved face with delicate cheekbones and- Sophie shook her head quickly, trying to clear her mind. How could she possibly think of such things? Sophie had no business with a shadowhunter, especially with a Lightwood, and yet she still felt a mixture of fear and excitement. She slowly brought her eyes back up to meet his, and was surprised to see no malice, only kindness, and something else. What was that? Affection? No. It couldn't possibly be so. Gideon would never fancy a girl like her.

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