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• Becomes friends with other people really easily

• Luka, Rin, and Len are like siblings to her, while Meiko and Kaito are like her parents

• Aro/ace but loves romance stories and ships a lot of her friends hard

• Ironically sucks at Project Diva and can only play on easy

• Is actually way stronger than she looks and can hold multiple people at once

• Reason she was programmed to be so strong is to protect herself from crazy fans

• Her favorite song that she's sung is The Empty Stomach Song even though it's not one of her most popular ones

• Is always super excited when a new Vocaloid is released and is super supportive of all of them, even if they aren't very popular

• Is super kind to all of the UTAUloids, even though Tei hates her and Teto isn't too fond of her, either

• Because she's so extroverted, she has a tendency to be overwhelming to the more shy Vocaloids, and usually doesn't realize it

• She sucks at styling her hair and always has to ask someone else to help her

• That someone is usually either Luka or Kaito

• Loves sweets but eats vegetables way more often

• Is constantly trying to get her friends to drink her favorite vegetable juice but they decline every time

• Supports her friends in everything they do, which usually leads to the both of them getting in stupid situations because no one was there to stop them

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