I'm confuse, girl

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Amity was in front of Luz's locker with a letter on her hand. This was it. She's going to finally tell how she feels about Luz. She knows a letter is too cheesy, but can you blame her? She's too shy to confess her feelings in front of her crush. 

Luz is the most amazing girl that she has met. She's the only one that could make her feel so different. It feels really good.

"You can do this, Amity. Just put the letter inside before Luz could see you. Easy, right?" Amity said to herself while she was still looking at her crush's locker. She sighed and started to doubt her plan.

"Oh, who am I kidding? This won't work at all." She sighed and looked at her letter. She used a different penmanship so that Luz wouldn't immediately figure out that she was the one who wrote this letter.

"You gonna stare at the cutie's locker all day, Mittens?" Amity immediately blushed in anger about the nickname. She knew it was Emira's voice, her older sister.

"Luz might be running late today. I suggest you put that letter inside before anyone notices that you have a crush." Amity turns around to face her older siblings, Ed and Em. They were really annoying to her.

How did you two even know about Luz being late today?!" Amity asked, and Edric showed his scroll to his little sister.

"She texted me a while ago. Didn't she text you?" Edric asked, and Amity began to feel jealous.

"Ma-Maybe she was just really running late and didn't text the others." Amity said with a bit of confidence in her voice. She sure hoped she was right though or else she would be really angry.

"Sadly, she texted Willow, Gus, Boscha, me and Ed-"

"OKAY, I GET IT! YOU'RE BOTH LUCKY THAT LUZ NOTICES YOU INSTEAD OF ME!" Ed and Em backed away a bit from their sister. They didn't know she was this feisty.

"Chill out, Mittens. I'm sure Luz will explain once she arrives." Em responded with a smile on her face.

"Also, you better put your letter before she even arrives." Edric said and Amity sighed before she continued her plan. She opens Luz's locker and puts her letter inside. Amity was a bit excited and nervous because this will be the day that Luz Noceda would finally notice that Amity Blight likes her.

The bell (screamed?) rang to indicate the students to go their perspective classes. Amity was a bit upset that she didn't see Luz but it was for the best since she had put her letter inside. 



Amity turned around to the familiar voice calling her out. Her eyes winded in awe and her heart began to beat too fast. She couldn't believe what she was seeing right now, in front of her eyes. Luz Noceda's hair was different. 

The human's hair style is a barber's cut. Her hair color is now blue. Amity had now put the pieces together. Luz was late because she had her hair cut and changed the color. 

Luz stopped in front of Amity to rest for a bit since she ran to school. Amity couldn't help but blush at Luz's new look. It made her really more beautiful. Well, she was still beautiful before but still.

"Eda had forgotten to do this yesterday, and she told me that being a bit late isn't so bad." Luz said before she fixes her posture in front of Amity.

Amity noticed that Luz seemed to be hiding something from her back but decided not to question it. She snapped out her thoughts before she smiled at Luz.

"We should really get to class. I don't wanna be late." Amity said before she turns around to walk.

"Su-Sure!" Luz responds and joins Amity.

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