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The night was clear and the evening sky was lit up by glowing stars. The surrounding trees carried with them the smell of scattered firs after a light rainstorm. It could be an idyll in the middle of nature, a place to relax and feel good.

Were it not for this ominous silence. No crickets chirped and no birds sang or flapped from branch to branch. Even the rustling of the leaves in the wind seemed to fall silent. It looked like nature was anxious to retreat. As if something were lurking in the thicket, with the forest waiting with bated breath for a key scene. Something bigger, meaner. Something unexplainable. 

As if out of nowhere, a carpet of fog spread on the forest floor. It seemed to devour every stone and every root with which it came into contact. There were a few more endlessly long seconds of a deadly silence. Finally, the hum of an engine disturbed the existing void.

With the sound of a violent impact, I ripped my eyes open. The echoing in my head made me realize what a fantasy world my dreams had become.

My name is Cassandra Gilbert and this is my story.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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